

The President Kufuor administration decided to seek financial relief through the HIPC initiative in the early days of his administration due to the distressed nature of the economy and the massive debts inherited from the previous government. It drew fierce opposition across the country, including from members of his government and party, to name a few. Even though the Britton Wood institutions supported the decision to sign onto the HIPC programme.

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) established the Debt Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) in 1996. It built a system for all creditors, including multilateral creditors, to offer debt relief to the world’s poorest and most financially strapped countries, thereby mitigating the constraints that debt accumulation imposed on economic growth and poverty reduction in these countries. The HIPC Initiative was created as a critical component of a larger development architecture that includes policies, programmes, and institutional development to support long-term growth and poverty reduction.

Despite the uproar that this singular decision had caused in the country, with one accord like ants marching to find food for the future, the Kufuor-led government needed to proceed to the IMF and World Bank as a necessary measure because the government could not do much in reducing poverty and stabilising the economy with the skyrocketing debt that had been inherited.

The stage was set, and all eyes were on who would lead the negotiations. To negotiate this historic HIPIC initiative, which was then new to the country, the government needed to assemble a competent team to navigate through these unchartered waters.

Fortunately, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia had returned from his overseas stewardship as an Assistant Professor of Economics at the Hankamer School of Business at Baylor University in Texas (1996-2000) to serve his nation as an Economist at the Bank of Ghana.

In 2001, Dr Bawumia was chosen as the Team Lead for the Bank of Ghana’s technical negotiation team, as well as a member of the government team that negotiated with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund under the HIPC and PRGF initiatives.

As one of the team leaders, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia was instrumental in negotiating the HIPC proposals. The HIPC initiative gave significant debt relief to President Kufuor’s inherited economy, as well as major rural infrastructure development through the supply of educational and health facilities, among other things.

Dr Bawumia’s vision and love for his country would not allow him to give up until the goal was met. In doing so, he served on the government’s technical negotiating team for the HIPC Paris Club and Completion Point Negotiations. Ghana completed the HIPC process, resulting in significant debt relief totaling nearly $4 billion.

Dr Bawumia’s zeal and competence during that period are worth emulating as Ghana continues to benefit from his ideas. It was unsurprising that Mr Osarfo Marfo, Hon Baah Wiredu of blessed memory, and Governor Paul Acquah, with whom he collaborated on several projects, including the HIPC initiative with President Kufuor’s blessing, strongly recommended him to Nana Akufo Addo to be his running mate in the 2008 general elections.

Dr Mahamudu Bawumia has contributed to the success of all NPP governments, which is commendable.

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Dr Yaw Ampofo-Twum

Snr Fellow
Centre for Planning and Economic Research

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NEWS Politics

Bawumia attends Ruto’s oath-taking ceremony

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the vice president, is in Nairobi, Kenya to represent Ghana at the oath-taking ceremony for William Samoei Arap Ruto, the incoming president of Kenya.

William Ruto will be sworn in on September 13, 2022, at Moi International Sports Complex, Kasarani in Nairobi
William Ruto won the election for president after polling 50.5% against Raila Odinga’s 48.8%.
He will be the country’s fifth president when sworn in on Tuesday.
Vice President Bawumia will be accompanied by the 2nd Lady, Samira Bawumia, Thomas Mbomba, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, and other Senior government officials.

He is anticipated to return to Accra on September 14th.
Over 20 heads of state and 2,500 VIPs have confirmed their attendance at William Ruto, president-electswearing-in ,’s ceremony, according to Kenyan officials.


Slow it down Empress Gifty

Empress Gifty, a gospel singer, went on another rant last week, snarling at blogs, media personalities, and some of her social media “followers.”

She was visibly agitated by what she described as some people posting insults about her on social media and some blogs publishing lies about her. She did not spare some media figures who subtly criticized her for some of her actions.

The artist has presented an uncompromising character over the years and is one of those entertainers who would not hesitate to ‘clapback’ at critics. Responding to critics is sometimes necessary, but with her latest outburst, it is only appropriate to caution the award-winning gospel artiste. to make it go slower

Fan of social media

Empress Gifty is very active on social media because she clearly understands the benefits of the app. It’s rare that the singer doesn’t post something on her social media feed, which is a good thing.

Social media has become a refuge for the artiste, whether she is announcing a new song, a new video, showcasing a business, or expressing an opinion.

In fact, her level of social media activity and ability to use it to her advantage earned her the title of ‘Digital Act of the Year’ at the 4th edition of the 3Music Awards last year. She was awarded that honor for her outstanding use of digital media in harnessing the largest fandom on social media, maintaining visibility, higher engagement of posts, driving audience interactivity, and trendsetting narrative, as well as pursuing causes.

Surprisingly, she beat out Sarkodie, Shatta Wale, Stonebwoy, Kofi Mole, Amerado, Ohemaa Mercy, and Camidoh for the award.

Let out your rage. Empress Gifty recently targeted blogs and individuals who spread lies about her persona, brand, and actions. She even went berserk, cursing those who take advantage of such deceptions to make money on social media.

To begin with, the issue of falsehood being spread by blogs and some individuals on social media is quite concerning. Some unscrupulous blogs and individuals would simply sit anywhere and fabricate such frivolous tales about these celebrities, and for gossip-hungry and negative news fanatics, such defaming news travels faster than the speed of light. Second, she is a human being with blood coursing through her veins. She has every right to be upset and to respond or react when blogs and some celebrities spread lies about her.

In a world where there is little or no fact checking and the majority is gullible, it only takes seconds for a blog or a shady person to ruin hard-won reputations, so her reaction to such inanity is understandable. In her tirade, Empress Gifty also had harsh words for those who comment on her various posts with slurs and unwholesome remarks. Perhaps the gospel musician was only educated on the benefits of social media and not on the consequences of being on such a platform.

The truth is that wherever there is positivity, there is also negativity!

In life and in the world of show business, no one can expect everyone to like them, so it is critical to understand this before expecting cheers all the time. Control what you display

Most importantly, the musician should be aware that the content she posts on her page feeds these commentators. Nobody will get the chance to comment on her page if she doesn’t make any posts that will definitely elicit comments.

If you post a video of yourself shaking your bum, you should expect some negative feedback. You’d be insane to believe that everyone will shower you with compliments on your bum. The solution to not inviting obnoxious comments to your postings is quite simple; please control what you post!

Tolerance is essential.

It’s quite intriguing that Empress Gifty bemoans the obnoxious comments on some of her postings and expects such characters to stop, but then she unleashes another post and curses her detractors. Where does it end, Madam? Tolerance is an important quality to have in the creative industry, as it allows you to accommodate a wide range of reactions to your music, brand, and actions.

In a world where almost everyone has an opinion, the artist must be open-minded and willing to accept different approaches to her craft and brand. If she can accept positive comments about her actions, she should be able to accept negative comments as well. It is also critical for her to recognize that the most important people in her life as a gospel singer and businesswoman are her fans and followers. She has no career if she does not have fans and patrons of her brand, so she must use emotional intelligence when addressing these fans.

The same GhC1 and GhC2 that these fans use to leave comments on your page are the same pittance they use to log on to social media to your page to see what new song you’ve released and what product you’re endorsing so they can patronize and sustain our careers.


Vice President Bawumia honors National fitness day

In order to promote good health, the government has designated one day each year as National Fitness Day, which was officially started on Friday in Accra.
The national fitness day will be honored on September 10 and the second Saturday of every month at the local, state, and federal levels.
The Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia had requested that a day be set aside each month for Ghanaians to exercise and maintain good health. Mustapha Ussif, the Minister for Youth and Sports, who was introducing the event, said the initiative was in response to his request.
He claimed that the population’s inactivity had led to numerous illnesses and had a negative impact on production.

“There is the need for individual change and Ghanaians must also begin to exercise and prevent sicknesses and its associated medical bills,” he added.
The national fitness day, Mr. Ussif pointed out, would not only promote good health but also community relations, mental health, and sports in general. The country as a whole stood to gain a lot from it.
“This concept is very common in the USA and UK and we would replicate same in Ghana and urge all to participate and stay healthy,” he stressed.
“A healthy national is a happy and productive nation and everyone within the corporate and civil organisations must partner government to make the event a successful one,” he added.

He claimed that the Vice President was a powerful advocate for the occasion and exhorted Ghanaians to take up the role of good health ambassadors in their homes and neighborhoods.
Prof. Peter Twumasi, Director General of the National Sports Authority (NSA), promised the organization’s support for the idea, adding that it will aid in promoting sports in the nation.
“This is one of the important activities to improve upon our sports and also get all Ghanaians on board to be healthy and stay away from the hospital,” he stated.
In order to reap the rewards of sports, he continued, Ghanaians must truly take the initiative.

National fitness was something that many people sought, according to Madam Shea Naa Boamah, a spokesperson from the Ministry of Education, and the project would help a lot of people get along.
“Sports would help you to build unity and team spirit among Ghanaians and give the current generation a platform to build friendships within the virtual world of communication,” she stated.
To entice the public to participate in aerobics and other forms of exercise, the National Fitness Instructors gave a demonstration.


Jasikan-Dodo-Pepesu road commissioned

The 56.4 km Jasikan-Dodo Pepesu road project was officially opened by Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia on September 8, 2022.
The project, which is a part of the Eastern Corridor Road, connects the country’s southern and northern halves as well as neighboring nations.
Along with connecting these cities, the route also connects towns such Kadjebi, Menuso, Dzindziso, Poase Cement, Koto Nkwanta, Ahamasu, Dodi Papase, and Dodo Pepesu.

In accordance with the Master Project Support Agreement (MPSA), the project is an Engineering and Procurement Contract (EPC) between the Government of Ghana and Sinohydro Corporation Limited of China.
His Excellency the Vice President of the Republic of Ghana, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia on 25th March, 2022 commissioned the project under the Sinohydro (MPSA), an agreement between the government of Ghana and the Chinese government.



By: Chief Obosu Mohammed, DPA LL. B LL.M ACIArb
[email protected]


The NPP is faced with a fateful choice. As a result, there is a better road that inspires us to break the 8 and another one that takes us to an unhappy exit from the government. To clinch the ultimate, we need a new leader with a clear and less burdensome strategy. The history of our party is dependent on the right individual turning up at the right moment. DMB exudes the aura of a “person of destiny.” We require a leader who fits within our current political dynamics and can lead the party to victory in multiple general elections in the future. That being said, I would want to highlight a few reasons why I believe DMB is an excellent choice for the important tasks ahead.

Justification of Inclusion

Our party’s success narrative cannot be written without the name DMB emblazoned in gold. He has shown a stronger degree of dedication to the party since H.E Nana Akufo Addo and the party deemed him worthy to partner with him. He has devoted himself entirely to the party’s service for more than a decade. DMB, like President Akufo Addo, put his highly respected career on wait to guarantee that we return to power and put our country on a road of growth.

After our loss in 2012, the party was at a crossroads, with many of our party folks devastated by the outcome. He stepped up to be counted in those difficult moments, leading the team through the analysis of over 30,000 pink sheets, our primary evidence, and offering himself as the party’s star witness to strengthen our case. The outcome of the legal ruling, as well as the fundamental modifications to our election rules and processes, played a role in our subsequent electoral triumphs. Despite this, he chaired a team that proposed significant election reforms. DMB’s light has impacted our two electoral triumphs, which cannot be diminished by the onslaught of personal assaults on him.

Hands-on Experience

DMB is a plausible candidate who is serving as Vice-President for the second time because of his hard work. He has, without a doubt, transformed from a President-in-Training to a President-in-Waiting. With the greatest of respect, aside from President Akufo Addo and President J. A Kufuor, there is no one in the NPP right now who has greater experience and understands the subtleties of the position of a President than DMB. We cannot afford the sloppiness of trial and error, especially with a vital election against the NDC in 2024. DMB has what it takes to continue President Akufo Addo’s and the NPP’s legacy. He can reach across the aisle and gain non-NPP votes by instinct and considerable experience.

Excellent Communicator

DMB has firmly established himself as one of our most effective communicators. He can simplify complex issues and articulate them in a way that captivates his audience. He is the ideal person to articulate the Akufo Addo administration’s successes and to bring the debate to the NDC. He is the NDC’s Achilles heel and a major impediment to its growth.

DMB has served as the party’s “fall guy” in both opposition and governing. His adversaries have continued to try in vain to undermine him by removing bits of his campaign speeches that are being utilized out of context and the nature of the circumstances under which they were delivered. The positivity that lies behind those propaganda videos underscores DMB’s enormous accomplishments in employing his extraordinary communication abilities in advocating for our electoral victories. Even in government, he continues to display the same communication abilities and exceptional expertise.

Champion of the grassroots

DMB has a natural affinity towards the grassroots. He has developed a unique relationship with the party’s grassroots operatives around the country over the years. He welcomes everyone without any intimidating looks and shares his time with everyone, being attentive to their concerns and following through on their expectations. He can mobilise the confidence of the grassroots to wage a vigorous campaign capable of breaking the 8.


We’re at a crossroads, and we need to think outside the box to offer both a strategic candidate and one who has previously been marketed. DMB is who he is, and he is not posing. He has worked relentlessly with President Akufo Addo to secure two major victories for our party. DMB stands tall in aiding us in our winning ways. The DMB project is viable, and everyone should endeavour to be a part of making history.

NEWS Politics

Bawumia stands tall- Obiri Boahen

An argument that Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has betrayed Ghanaians because the majority of the promises he made to them have not been fulfilled has been disputed by the former deputy general secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

Nana Obiri Boahen asserts that the vice president has succeeded because he assisted in the implementation of important government initiatives like the Free Senior High School (Free SHS) and the digitalization of Ghana’s economy.

The Former Deputy General Secretary stated in a Neat FM interview that Bawumia is the brains behind the deployment of the National Identification System, which is a huge breakthrough for the country.
“Once again, let me raise this issue, the Free Senior High School that we are implementing is a milestone in the history of this country and a milestone in the history of this continent.

“The implementation of the National Identification System (GhanaCard) by the Nana Akufo-Addo government, which successive governments have failed to do, is a major breakthrough. If you look at the Auditor General’s report it indicated that most of the infractions were found because their systems have been digitalized.

“Countries like Singapore and Malaysia are now trying to digitalize but we have already crossed that bridge. And to say that Bawumia has failed I beg to differ. If you carefully look at the things this government has achieved you cannot say that they have failed,” he said.
Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia stands tall among some names circulating for the flagbearership race which is scheduled for 2023.

NEWS Politics


The assertions made by Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, a member of parliament for the National Democratic Congress (NDC), that he was unaware of GETFund scholarship agreements while serving as deputy minister of education have been refuted.
According to information obtained by DAILY GUIDE, Mr. Ablakwa participated actively in GETFund scholarship negotiations while serving as a minister in the NDC government.

According to some reports, the NDC MP had enough clout to ‘by-pass’ GETFund employees and ‘personally’ negotiate scholarship agreements with overseas colleges on GETFund’s behalf.
A memorandum of agreement (MoU) has been signed by Mr. Ablakwa on behalf of GETFund and Lovely Professional University (LPU) of India.
The contentious Memorandum of Understanding, signed on March 16, 2016, was primarily designed to help negotiate scholarship offers for Ghanaian students to study in India, as well as to give support for Ghanaian schools.

It went on to say that the GETFund was the top body of education in Ghana, in charge of regulating, expanding, and developing institutions in Ghana’s higher education system.
It stated that both GETFund and the LPU recognized that they shared many interests and that their collaboration would benefit both parties.
“GETFund, Ghana has tied up with LPU to provide access to quality education to the students of Ghana,” the MoU, which had Dr. Monica Gulati, the Registrar of LPU, also as a signatory, indicated.

“GETFund intends to further work with LPU, which has already made a significant contribution in the area of higher education in India to guide and mentor universities/colleges and such other organisations,” the MoU added.
The report was released at a time when Mr. Ablakwa publicly denied knowing about GETFund scholarship programs while serving as deputy minister of education.
There have been heated debates in the media recently when it was revealed that some MPs and government officials from both the NDC and the NPP received GETFund scholarships.
Even in the GETFund paperwork, there is a name Mercy Ablakwa, thought to be Mr. Ablakwa’s relative, suggesting that she also received a GETFund scholarship in 2010.

According to an award letter reportedly signed by the GETFund administrator, Sam Garba, Mercy Ablakwa was awarded a total of $33,400 on August 12, 2010 to pursue a BSc Nursing at the University of Charleston in the United States.
The academic scholarship was worth $16,032, while the living allowance and passage cost $17,366.

NEWS Politics


Kristalina Georgiva, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, has denied claims that Ghana’s economic troubles were self-inflicted rather than caused by the Russian/Ukraine war and Covid-19.
According to her, the country’s economic problems are not the result of terrible government policy.

She reaffirmed her organization’s commitment to striking an economic accord with the government before the end of the year.
Madam Georgiva told Joy News’ Benjamin Akakpo during the Africa Adaptation Summit in Rotterdam, Holland, that Ghana will receive IMF assistance.
“I’m very determined for us to indeed reach an agreement with Ghana by the end of this year [2022]. We started very constructive discussions already. And to the people of Ghana, like everybody on this planet you have been hurt by exogenous shocks; first the pandemic, then Russian/Ukraine war”.

“And that we need to realise that it’s not because of bad policies in the country, but because of these combinations of shocks. Therefore, we have to support Ghana because you are a member, you are a strong country, and you have fantastic people”.
She emphasized how smoothly the conversations between Ghana and the Fund had been going.

“We have to support Ghana because your strength contributes to the strength of your neighbors, it contributes to a stronger world”.
Upon being asked if Ghana would receive the $3 billion that the government has requested, Madam Georgiva responded, “Let’s go to the negotiations, and then you will know.”

NEWS Politics

Embrace digitalization to boost justice delivery – Bawumia

The 19th Triennial Conference of the Commonwealth Magistrates and Judges Association (CMJA) was launched in Accra on Monday, September 5, by Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

In its five-decade history, the CMJA Conference, which brings together Chief Justices, Judges, Magistrates, and judicial officers from Commonwealth Nations, has aided in promoting judicial independence and enhancing legal administration in member nations, the Vice President added.

He urged the CMJA to embrace the power of digital technologies and innovations to increase access to justice and improve judicial systems in the modern world, where they are facilitating life and making things easier.

After kicking off the event, Dr. said on Facebook, “I also shared with them, the tale of how Ghana has already started digitizing its judicial process, and reinforced our Government’s commitment to it, to enable easy and convenient access to justice in our nation.”