

In a remarkable display of progress, the Ashanti Region has achieved a substantial reduction in poverty rates over the past four years. According to the latest data from the Ghana Statistical Service’s Multidimensional Poverty Index Survey, the region’s poverty incidence has dropped from 31.1% in 2020 to an impressive 18.3% in 2024.

Economic Growth and Development Initiatives
This significant improvement can be attributed to several factors, including robust economic growth and targeted development initiatives. The Ashanti Region, known for its vibrant cultural heritage and economic activities, has benefited from increased investment in infrastructure, education, and healthcare, all of which have contributed to better living standards for its residents.

Agricultural and Industrial Advancements
One of the key drivers of this progress has been the region’s focus on enhancing agricultural productivity and industrial growth. The introduction of modern farming techniques and support for local farmers have boosted agricultural output, leading to increased incomes and food security. Additionally, the expansion of industrial activities, particularly in the manufacturing and mining sectors, has created more job opportunities, further reducing poverty levels.

Government and Private Sector Collaboration
The collaboration between the government and the private sector has also played a crucial role in the region’s development. Public-private partnerships have led to the implementation of various projects aimed at improving infrastructure, such as roads, schools, and healthcare facilities. These projects have not only provided immediate employment but have also laid the groundwork for long-term economic stability.

Education and Skills Development
Investment in education and skills development has been another critical factor in reducing poverty in the Ashanti Region. Initiatives aimed at improving access to quality education, vocational training, and entrepreneurship programs have empowered the youth and the unemployed with the skills needed to secure gainful employment and start their own businesses.

Healthcare Improvements
The healthcare sector has seen significant advancements, with better access to medical services and improved healthcare facilities. Efforts to reduce maternal and child mortality rates, combat infectious diseases, and provide affordable healthcare have contributed to the overall well-being of the region’s population.

Community and Social Interventions
Community-based programs and social interventions have also played a vital role in alleviating poverty. Initiatives focused on providing support to vulnerable groups, such as women, children, and the elderly, have helped improve their living conditions and provided them with opportunities to participate in the region’s economic activities.

Looking Forward
As the Ashanti Region celebrates this significant achievement, stakeholders are optimistic about the future. The continued implementation of effective policies, investment in key sectors, and commitment to inclusive growth are expected to further reduce poverty levels and enhance the quality of life for all residents.

The Ghana Statistical Service’s report serves as a beacon of hope and a testament to what can be achieved through concerted efforts and collaboration. The Ashanti Region’s progress is not just a regional success story but also an inspiring example for other regions striving to overcome poverty and achieve sustainable development.

For more detailed insights into the Ashanti Region’s development strategies and future plans, stay tuned to our upcoming reports and interviews with key stakeholders and policymakers.



Recent data from the Ghana Statistical Service’s Multidimensional Poverty Index Survey highlights remarkable improvements in poverty rates across all regions of Ghana between 2020 and 2024. This period has seen considerable strides in poverty reduction, showcasing the effectiveness of various economic and social policies implemented during these years.

Greater Accra Leads the Way
Greater Accra recorded one of the most significant reductions in poverty incidence, dropping from 22.5% in 2020 to 11.7% in 2024. This nearly 50% reduction underscores the region’s growing economic vitality and enhanced social infrastructure, which have contributed to better living standards for its residents.

Ashanti Region’s Notable Progress
Ashanti Region also demonstrated substantial progress, with poverty rates falling from 31.1% in 2020 to 18.3% in 2024. This improvement reflects the region’s successful initiatives in boosting local economies and providing better access to essential services.

Eastern and Central Regions’ Impressive Gains
The Eastern Region saw its poverty incidence more than halved, decreasing from 44.0% in 2020 to 21.7% in 2024. Similarly, the Central Region experienced a significant reduction from 47.6% to 22.5% over the same period. These changes highlight effective regional development strategies and increased investment in human capital.

Western Region’s Dual Success
In the Western Region, which includes Western and Western North, poverty rates dropped from 47.6% in 2020 to 25.7% and 27.0% respectively in 2024. This dual success indicates targeted efforts in resource-rich areas to ensure equitable growth and development.

Volta and Oti Regions See Major Improvements
The combined data for Volta and Oti regions shows a considerable decrease in poverty incidence from 58.2% in 2020 to 27.3% and 40.8% respectively in 2024. This reduction is a testament to focused poverty alleviation programs and infrastructural advancements in these areas.

Bono, Ahafo, and Bono East Regions’ Achievements
The Brong Ahafo area, now split into Bono, Ahafo, and Bono East regions, witnessed a dramatic drop in poverty rates from 49.4% in 2020 to 17.1%, 24.2%, and 24.7% respectively in 2024. These figures reflect the positive impact of regional reorganization and development policies aimed at improving local economies.

Northern, Savanna, and North East Regions’ Significant Declines
The northern part of the country, encompassing Northern, Savanna, and North East regions, saw a steep decline in poverty rates from 80.8% in 2020 to an average of 49.77% in 2024. This reduction marks a crucial turning point for an area historically plagued by high poverty levels, driven by enhanced agricultural productivity and social interventions.

Upper East and Upper West Regions’ Remarkable Reductions
The Upper East and Upper West regions recorded significant decreases in poverty, with the Upper East moving from 68.1% in 2020 to 43% in 2024, and the Upper West from 65.5% to 37.4%. These improvements highlight the success of targeted initiatives to boost economic opportunities and improve living conditions in these northern regions.

A Nationwide Achievement
Overall, Ghana’s nationwide efforts to reduce poverty have yielded impressive results. The significant declines in poverty rates across all 16 regions of the country between 2020 and 2024 reflect the effectiveness of comprehensive strategies aimed at economic growth, social development, and poverty alleviation.

The Ghana Statistical Service Multidimensional Poverty Index Survey’s findings are a testament to the country’s progress and a hopeful indicator for the future, where continued efforts could further alleviate poverty and enhance the quality of life for all Ghanaians.

For more detailed regional analysis and policy implications, visit the Ghana Statistical Service website or follow our upcoming detailed reports on regional development initiatives.

NEWS Politics


On Monday, thousands of residents in the Eastern Region took to the streets to welcome the 2024 presidential candidate of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr Mahamudu Bawumia when he began his first phase of campaign tour.

A massive crowd

 Dr Bawumia started from Akuapem North Constituency where he had a breakfast meeting with the Clergy and the Muslim Community where he was already ambushed by the residents before he even arrived.

Thereafter he proceeded on the tour to Koforidua, where a large crowd of  market women was already waiting for him at Nkurakan, one of the communities in the Yilo Krobo Constituency, a stronghold of the opposition National Democratic Congress, NDC.

Dr Bawumia exchanging pleasantries with the market women

Before arriving at the Nkurakan Market, enroute to Koforidua, the place was standstill as the people there were in a rush to catch a glimpse of Dr Mahamadu Bawumia, who stopped to exchange pleasantries with the market women as well as the residents.

Arriving in Koforidua, a massive crowd also ambushed Dr Bawumia as the noise prompted onlookers to also rush towards the principal streets to hail the arrival of the NPP presidential candidate.


Government Constructs 526 New Basic Schools Since 2017: Africa Education Watch Confirms Accuracy of Performance Tracker Data

In a recent revelation, Kofi Asare, the Executive Director for Africa Education Watch, has affirmed the government’s commitment to education infrastructure development, citing the construction of 526 new basic schools since 2017.

A JHS Model School at Ejisu

Asare’s statement, made in response to a Facebook comment, sheds light on the progress made in expanding educational facilities across the country. The data provided by the government’s performance tracker has been confirmed as accurate by the Executive Director, adding credibility to the administration’s efforts in the education sector.

The construction of these basic schools signifies a significant investment in the future of the nation’s youth, providing them with access to quality education and improving overall literacy rates. Such initiatives are crucial in addressing educational disparities and ensuring equal opportunities for all children, regardless of their socio-economic background.

Furthermore, the confirmation of the accuracy of the performance tracker data underscores the government’s transparency and accountability in monitoring and evaluating its educational initiatives. It reflects a commitment to evidence-based policymaking and fosters trust between the government and its citizens.

A JHS Model School at Kwabenya

Asare’s endorsement of the government’s achievements in education infrastructure development serves as a testament to the progress made in the sector. However, he also emphasizes the need for continued monitoring and evaluation to ensure that these schools are adequately equipped and staffed to deliver quality education to students.

In a recent revelation, Kofi Asare, the Executive Director for Africa Education Watch, has affirmed the government’s commitment...
A science laboratory at a JHS Model School

The construction of 526 new basic schools since 2017 is undoubtedly a commendable achievement, but it is only the first step towards addressing the broader challenges facing the education sector. As stakeholders continue to work towards improving access to quality education for all, the government’s commitment to transparency and accountability will remain essential in driving positive change in the nation’s educational landscape.


Director of Communications for Dr Bawumia Campaign Accuses NDC of Envy and Hatred Towards Free SHS Graduates

The media at the press conference

In a recent statement, Dennis Miracles Aboagye, the Director of Communications for the Dr Bawumia Campaign, has accused the National Democratic Congress (NDC) of harboring envy, bitterness, and hatred towards the beneficiaries of the Free Senior High School (SHS) policy, commonly referred to as the “Akufo-Addo graduates”. The Free SHS policy, a flagship program of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) government led by President Nana Akufo-Addo, aims to provide free secondary education to all eligible Ghanaian students. Since its inception, the policy has been both lauded and criticized.

Some personalities present during the press conference

According to Dennis Miracles Aboagye, the recent attacks on the Free SHS policy and its beneficiaries by the NDC’s flagbearer is indication of sheer envy, bitterness, and hatred towards these promising young Ghanaians. He said that instead of celebrating the opportunities afforded to these students through the policy, the NDC has resorted to negative rhetoric and criticism.”The NDC’s constant attacks on the Free SHS policy and its beneficiaries reveal a deeper animosity towards the progress and success of young Ghanaians,” he stated. “Rather than offering constructive criticism or proposing alternative solutions, the NDC chooses to undermine the achievements of these students and the government’s efforts to improve access to education.” he further remarked.


NDC’S Mary Awusi, diagnosed of HIV/AIDS according to her ex boyfriend

NDC party communicator and former parliamentary candidate of the Asante Akyem North constituency, Mary Awusi has been exposed by her ex-boyfriend who revealed that the vitriolic NDC communicator has been living with HIV/AIDS for some time now.

Mary Awusi

According to the ex-boyfriend, Mary has been involved in multiple sex relationships which has resulted in such condition. Mary Awusi in 2016 contested the Parliamentary Elections for the Asante Akyem North Constituency on the ticket of the NDC where she obtained a paltry 969 votes representing 2.83% against his contender, Kwaku Asante-Boateng’s 31,151 representing 60.93%.

Failed NDC parliamentary candidate

The failed Parliamentary Candidate has since then become useless and a poodle of the NDC, consistently passing malicious comments and sleeping around with multiple men to make ends meet.

Mary Awusi

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The banking industry has benefited from Ghana Card, according to Fidelity Bank MD

Julian Opuni, Managing Director of Fidelity Bank, has recognized and applauded the Ghana Card’s noteworthy contributions to the financial industry.

Banks link individual Ghana Cards to bank accounts

Following his meeting with the Oxford Business Group, Julian Opuni, the MD of Fidelity Bank, gave a statement in which he highlighted the significant progress the Ghana Card has achieved in enhancing security protocols and thwarting financial sector fraud.

He praised the Ghana Card’s contribution to cleaning up the financial industry, but he also emphasized the card’s robust biometric capabilities, readability of real-time data, and easy integration with other systems. He also mentioned the card’s role in supporting accurate Know Your Customer (KYC) compliance and anti-money laundering initiatives.

The Ghana Card

He also discussed how the Ghana Card has changed the risk profile of government securities, which could eventually make banks more interested in financing from the private sector.

Additionally, Mr. Julian Opuni mentioned the critical role the Ghana Card has played in enabling digital transactions, particularly the interoperability of mobile banking and mobile money, which he said is moving the nation closer to a cashless society.

Julian Opuni

“By utilizing the extensive database, both fintech and traditional banking institutions may provide a range of financial services and encourage cashless transactions. Because of these developments, entry barriers are reduced, especially for those from low-income backgrounds, and the financial ecosystem becomes more inclusive. In an interview with the Oxford Business Group, Opuni stated, “The Ghana Card provides accessible formal identification, especially for those in remote areas, by streamlining the online and in-person account opening process.”

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Dr. Bawumia’s Bold Vision: Training 1 Million Youth in IT Skills to Transform Ghana’s Future

Vice President Dr. Bawumia has revealed a bold and ambitious plan to expand Ghana’s youth capacity and create access to international employment markets. At least one million young Ghanaians will receive IT skills training, including software creation, as part of government-private sector collaboration under the presidency of Dr.Bawumia.

Bawumia Speaks

This innovative project is being presented at a critical juncture, as technological proficiency and digital literacy are becoming more and more important in the global job market. Dr. Bawumia’s policy aims to solve unemployment and establish Ghana as a hub for qualified professionals in the world of technology by providing young Ghanaians with contemporary IT capabilities.

The significance of this initiative cannot be overstated. Technology is advancing so quickly that there is a continuing demand for skilled IT professionals across all businesses. The government is empowering people and enhancing Ghana’s competitiveness in the global marketplace by funding the education and training of one million young Ghanaians.

Moreover, the collaboration with the private sector ensures that the training programs are aligned with industry needs and standards, maximizing the employability of the participants. This strategic partnership fosters a symbiotic relationship between the government, private enterprises, and the youth, driving economic growth and prosperity for all stakeholders.

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, Flagbearer of the NPP

Dr. Bawumia’s vision goes beyond job creation; it is about unleashing the untapped potential of Ghana’s youth and positioning them as drivers of innovation and progress in the digital age. By nurturing a skilled workforce capable of competing on a global scale, Ghana can attract investment, foster entrepreneurship, and chart a path towards sustainable development.

Vice President and the Presidential Candidate of the NPP speaks

Dr. Bawumia’s commitment to training 1 million youth in IT skills is a transformative step towards harnessing Ghana’s demographic dividend and securing a brighter future for generations to come. It is a bold vision that holds the promise of unlocking Ghana’s full potential in the digital era.

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TAP n’ GO; The Way To Go – Ghanaian Commuters hail initiative

The leader and torchbearer of the New Patriotic Party, H.E. Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, launched the famous Tap n’ Go transport service software application; a multi-functional digital platform for Ghana’s transport ecosystem, at Kaneshie – Accra.

Dr. Bawumia launches the Tap n’ Go system

The all-inclusive digital transport platform is designed to provide quality services for the intra and intercity bus services, trotro, parcel delivery and tracking, loading taxi services, trains and the call on demand uber-like services, seamlessly.

Speaking to stakeholders in the transport industry and the public, H.E. Dr. Bawumia said, “I noted that in the past, Metro Mass Transit Limited was losing 50% of its annual revenue, but with the implementation of Tap n’ Go, the leakages have plugged and today, the Metro Mass Transit is getting more revenue from 200 buses than it did from 500 buses”

He also added that the new initiative will improve efficiency in the public transport sector, by addressing age-old challenges such as delays at the various stations, inability to identify passengers in emergency situations, corruption with drivers’ inability to account earnings, inability to effectively monitor vehicle activities and financial outcomes, lack of access to credit due to inability of financial institutions to verify the revenue performance of vehicles, circulation of fake currencies and many related challenges.

Commuters hail Dr. Bawumia

Our news desk followed up to ascertain matters on grounds to set the record straight. We made our way to the Metro Mass Transit Station at Kaneshie – Accra to interact with managers and users of the new digital transport platform. We interacted with Mr. Sam and his colleagues, who are stationed at Kaneshie to ensure the seamless operation of the Tap n’ Go software application and indicated that the software was developed by young industrious and intellectual Ghanaian developers and debunked the falsehood being speculated by a minority section of Ghanaians, with regards to the location of the CCTV server in the buses. He also indicated that the software application can be used online and offline (using QR Code), he demonstrated numerous features off the application and assured the security of users of the application. This breakdown confirms Dr. Bawumia’s position on the new development.

Our team also engaged users of Tap n’ Go to enquire their perspectives of Tap n’ Go. Mr. Henry Ativor, Ms. Linda Yawson and a retired Ghana National Service senior officer who doe not want his identity revealed commended the new development for its easy usage, stress free payment procedure and data security.

Dr. Bawumia interacts with some commuters

They urged Ghanaians to embrace the Tap n’ Go initiative and rally behind “made in Ghana” products.

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The P.R.O of Ghana National Union of Traders Association (GUTA), Mr. Joseph Padi expressed full confidence in Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia’s (Flagbearer of NPP) policies as compared to other candidates who have popped up, vying to occupy the highest seat of the Republic of Ghana.

Speaking on TV3 Ghana’s Business Focus on Monday, February 12, 2024, Mr. Joseph Padi said he is really impressed, per where they come and it is something they have been calling for all these while. He also said they have been complaining of the high cost of doing business and that Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia’s policy is welcoming and timely.


This endorsement came on the back of Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia’s policy on introducing a new tax regime that will abolish the famous e-levy, emission tax, betting tax, electricity tax among other taxes. Dr. Bawumia’s vision is create a business-friendly flat tax rate. A flat tax of a percentage of income for individuals and SMEs, which constitute 98% of all businesses in Ghana, with appropriate exemption thresholds set to protect the poor.

Dr. Bawumia on February 7, 2024 outlined his Visions for Ghana, with regards to his bid to ascend the highest office of the land. The event was held at UPSA auditorium, with scores of Ghanaians and stakeholders present and pleased.

GUTA President

Mr. Joseph Padi added that they (GUTA) are looking forward to building a long standing business relation with Dr. Bawumia to see his vision come into fruition and ease the challenges that come with running business in the country.