

In a remarkable display of progress, the Ashanti Region has achieved a substantial reduction in poverty rates over the past four years. According to the latest data from the Ghana Statistical Service’s Multidimensional Poverty Index Survey, the region’s poverty incidence has dropped from 31.1% in 2020 to an impressive 18.3% in 2024.

Economic Growth and Development Initiatives
This significant improvement can be attributed to several factors, including robust economic growth and targeted development initiatives. The Ashanti Region, known for its vibrant cultural heritage and economic activities, has benefited from increased investment in infrastructure, education, and healthcare, all of which have contributed to better living standards for its residents.

Agricultural and Industrial Advancements
One of the key drivers of this progress has been the region’s focus on enhancing agricultural productivity and industrial growth. The introduction of modern farming techniques and support for local farmers have boosted agricultural output, leading to increased incomes and food security. Additionally, the expansion of industrial activities, particularly in the manufacturing and mining sectors, has created more job opportunities, further reducing poverty levels.

Government and Private Sector Collaboration
The collaboration between the government and the private sector has also played a crucial role in the region’s development. Public-private partnerships have led to the implementation of various projects aimed at improving infrastructure, such as roads, schools, and healthcare facilities. These projects have not only provided immediate employment but have also laid the groundwork for long-term economic stability.

Education and Skills Development
Investment in education and skills development has been another critical factor in reducing poverty in the Ashanti Region. Initiatives aimed at improving access to quality education, vocational training, and entrepreneurship programs have empowered the youth and the unemployed with the skills needed to secure gainful employment and start their own businesses.

Healthcare Improvements
The healthcare sector has seen significant advancements, with better access to medical services and improved healthcare facilities. Efforts to reduce maternal and child mortality rates, combat infectious diseases, and provide affordable healthcare have contributed to the overall well-being of the region’s population.

Community and Social Interventions
Community-based programs and social interventions have also played a vital role in alleviating poverty. Initiatives focused on providing support to vulnerable groups, such as women, children, and the elderly, have helped improve their living conditions and provided them with opportunities to participate in the region’s economic activities.

Looking Forward
As the Ashanti Region celebrates this significant achievement, stakeholders are optimistic about the future. The continued implementation of effective policies, investment in key sectors, and commitment to inclusive growth are expected to further reduce poverty levels and enhance the quality of life for all residents.

The Ghana Statistical Service’s report serves as a beacon of hope and a testament to what can be achieved through concerted efforts and collaboration. The Ashanti Region’s progress is not just a regional success story but also an inspiring example for other regions striving to overcome poverty and achieve sustainable development.

For more detailed insights into the Ashanti Region’s development strategies and future plans, stay tuned to our upcoming reports and interviews with key stakeholders and policymakers.



Recent data from the Ghana Statistical Service’s Multidimensional Poverty Index Survey highlights remarkable improvements in poverty rates across all regions of Ghana between 2020 and 2024. This period has seen considerable strides in poverty reduction, showcasing the effectiveness of various economic and social policies implemented during these years.

Greater Accra Leads the Way
Greater Accra recorded one of the most significant reductions in poverty incidence, dropping from 22.5% in 2020 to 11.7% in 2024. This nearly 50% reduction underscores the region’s growing economic vitality and enhanced social infrastructure, which have contributed to better living standards for its residents.

Ashanti Region’s Notable Progress
Ashanti Region also demonstrated substantial progress, with poverty rates falling from 31.1% in 2020 to 18.3% in 2024. This improvement reflects the region’s successful initiatives in boosting local economies and providing better access to essential services.

Eastern and Central Regions’ Impressive Gains
The Eastern Region saw its poverty incidence more than halved, decreasing from 44.0% in 2020 to 21.7% in 2024. Similarly, the Central Region experienced a significant reduction from 47.6% to 22.5% over the same period. These changes highlight effective regional development strategies and increased investment in human capital.

Western Region’s Dual Success
In the Western Region, which includes Western and Western North, poverty rates dropped from 47.6% in 2020 to 25.7% and 27.0% respectively in 2024. This dual success indicates targeted efforts in resource-rich areas to ensure equitable growth and development.

Volta and Oti Regions See Major Improvements
The combined data for Volta and Oti regions shows a considerable decrease in poverty incidence from 58.2% in 2020 to 27.3% and 40.8% respectively in 2024. This reduction is a testament to focused poverty alleviation programs and infrastructural advancements in these areas.

Bono, Ahafo, and Bono East Regions’ Achievements
The Brong Ahafo area, now split into Bono, Ahafo, and Bono East regions, witnessed a dramatic drop in poverty rates from 49.4% in 2020 to 17.1%, 24.2%, and 24.7% respectively in 2024. These figures reflect the positive impact of regional reorganization and development policies aimed at improving local economies.

Northern, Savanna, and North East Regions’ Significant Declines
The northern part of the country, encompassing Northern, Savanna, and North East regions, saw a steep decline in poverty rates from 80.8% in 2020 to an average of 49.77% in 2024. This reduction marks a crucial turning point for an area historically plagued by high poverty levels, driven by enhanced agricultural productivity and social interventions.

Upper East and Upper West Regions’ Remarkable Reductions
The Upper East and Upper West regions recorded significant decreases in poverty, with the Upper East moving from 68.1% in 2020 to 43% in 2024, and the Upper West from 65.5% to 37.4%. These improvements highlight the success of targeted initiatives to boost economic opportunities and improve living conditions in these northern regions.

A Nationwide Achievement
Overall, Ghana’s nationwide efforts to reduce poverty have yielded impressive results. The significant declines in poverty rates across all 16 regions of the country between 2020 and 2024 reflect the effectiveness of comprehensive strategies aimed at economic growth, social development, and poverty alleviation.

The Ghana Statistical Service Multidimensional Poverty Index Survey’s findings are a testament to the country’s progress and a hopeful indicator for the future, where continued efforts could further alleviate poverty and enhance the quality of life for all Ghanaians.

For more detailed regional analysis and policy implications, visit the Ghana Statistical Service website or follow our upcoming detailed reports on regional development initiatives.


TAP n’ GO; The Way To Go – Ghanaian Commuters hail initiative

The leader and torchbearer of the New Patriotic Party, H.E. Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, launched the famous Tap n’ Go transport service software application; a multi-functional digital platform for Ghana’s transport ecosystem, at Kaneshie – Accra.

Dr. Bawumia launches the Tap n’ Go system

The all-inclusive digital transport platform is designed to provide quality services for the intra and intercity bus services, trotro, parcel delivery and tracking, loading taxi services, trains and the call on demand uber-like services, seamlessly.

Speaking to stakeholders in the transport industry and the public, H.E. Dr. Bawumia said, “I noted that in the past, Metro Mass Transit Limited was losing 50% of its annual revenue, but with the implementation of Tap n’ Go, the leakages have plugged and today, the Metro Mass Transit is getting more revenue from 200 buses than it did from 500 buses”

He also added that the new initiative will improve efficiency in the public transport sector, by addressing age-old challenges such as delays at the various stations, inability to identify passengers in emergency situations, corruption with drivers’ inability to account earnings, inability to effectively monitor vehicle activities and financial outcomes, lack of access to credit due to inability of financial institutions to verify the revenue performance of vehicles, circulation of fake currencies and many related challenges.

Commuters hail Dr. Bawumia

Our news desk followed up to ascertain matters on grounds to set the record straight. We made our way to the Metro Mass Transit Station at Kaneshie – Accra to interact with managers and users of the new digital transport platform. We interacted with Mr. Sam and his colleagues, who are stationed at Kaneshie to ensure the seamless operation of the Tap n’ Go software application and indicated that the software was developed by young industrious and intellectual Ghanaian developers and debunked the falsehood being speculated by a minority section of Ghanaians, with regards to the location of the CCTV server in the buses. He also indicated that the software application can be used online and offline (using QR Code), he demonstrated numerous features off the application and assured the security of users of the application. This breakdown confirms Dr. Bawumia’s position on the new development.

Our team also engaged users of Tap n’ Go to enquire their perspectives of Tap n’ Go. Mr. Henry Ativor, Ms. Linda Yawson and a retired Ghana National Service senior officer who doe not want his identity revealed commended the new development for its easy usage, stress free payment procedure and data security.

Dr. Bawumia interacts with some commuters

They urged Ghanaians to embrace the Tap n’ Go initiative and rally behind “made in Ghana” products.

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Govt provides GHC100million funding to young entrepreneurs — Bawumia

H.E Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia

The government has disbursed over GHC100 million as grant funding and training to youth-led start-ups and Micro, Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises (MSMEs) to generate youth entrepreneurs and leverage Ghana’s youthful population to stimulate economic empowerment and development.

Through the Ghana Jobs and Skills Project (GJSP) and the Ghana Economic Transformation Project (GETP) implemented by the Ghana Enterprises Agency, the government has provided capacity building on business management, technical assistance and grant funding to over 30,000 persons, selected start-ups and MSMEs, with many more expected to receive same in the coming year.

Addressing thousands of youth drawn from across the country at the end of a YouStartGrant Expo dubbed “Empowering Youth Entrepreneurs for a Resilient Economy” in Accra, the Vice President, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia reiterated the government’s determination to provide the youth with the necessary training and funds to make it on their own and contribute their quota to national development.

“It is exciting to note that these initiatives are ongoing efforts by the government to create an entrepreneurial economy. In September 2023, the government, through the Ghana Enterprises Agency, approved over GHC35 Million to 272 MSMEs under various components of the Ghana Economic Transformation Project (GETP).

“Also, between September 2021 and August 2022, the government supported over 780 firms with grant funding of over GHS65 Million under the GETP.

YouStart cash donations for Startups

“I am happy to announce that the Government of Ghana, through the Ghana Jobs and Skills Project (GJSP) and the Ghana Economic Transformation Project (GETP), will award grant support of almost GHS 65 million to 3,000 start-ups and MSMEs gathered here, with the total support to beneficiaries in 2023, totalling GHS 100 million. It is also important to note that a special grant package has been designed to support and empower Persons With Disabilities (PWD),” he announced.

Over 30,000 young persons and MSMEs have already received between four and five days of Business Management Training, with more entrepreneurs and start-ups and established enterprises expected to receive grant funding in 2024 under the YouStartGrant initiative.

YouStart Event in Accra

“By the end of these two Projects, the government will have supported more than 50,000 start-ups and MSMEs with technical and financial support through the Ghana Enterprises Agency.”

The overall impact of these two initiatives extends beyond financial figures and statistical metrics, the Vice President noted.

“This grant funding is not just a monetary transaction; it is an investment in the dreams, aspirations and potential of the youth. It is a signal that shows the youth of this great nation that ‘it is possible’. Through strategic partnerships and targeted interventions, we are creating an environment of possibilities where ideas flourish, businesses thrive and individuals find the means to unleash their potential. And it is surely the complementary pathway to nurture and reap the demographic dividend of having a youthful population.

“By providing financial resources alongside targeted training programs, we are empowering the youth for the paradigm shift of job creation as opposed to job seekers. I strongly believe that such Technical Assistance and catalytic grants will drive the objective of promoting private investments and business growth. This is a strategic move towards industrialisation, export expansion, and job creation.

“Let us recognise the significance of today’s grant signing ceremony in shaping the destiny of our nation. Let it re-echo in our minds and hearts that investing in the strengthening of the nation’s youth and businesses through these interventions stimulates and lays the foundations for economic growth and prosperity for all.

“By empowering the youth, we are contributing to a secure future where no one is left behind, and our nation stands as an icon of success on the international stage.”


Credible Bawumia’s Vision for Constituency Empowerment: A Step towards Effective Governance

By Yaw Marfo Adu

Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, recently outlined his vision for constituency empowerment during his ongoing campaign tour. As part of this vision, he promised to allocate at least 10 government appointments to each constituency if elected as the NPP’s flag bearer and successfully winning the 2024 election. This proposal aims to bridge the gap between the party and government, ensuring that qualified and competent individuals from local constituencies have a voice in national governance. While some critics, such as Franklin Cudjoe, have expressed skepticism, it is essential to examine the merits of this proposition and highlight the potential benefits it holds for the NPP and the nation as a whole.

NPP Flagbearer hopeful, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia

Empowering Constituencies:

Dr. Bawumia’s commitment to allocating government appointments directly to the constituencies exemplifies his dedication to grassroots empowerment. By offering each constituency a significant number of slots within the government, he aims to provide a platform for local representatives to contribute to the decision-making processes at the national level. This initiative is an integral part of fostering inclusive governance, as it ensures that the concerns and perspectives of grassroots party members are adequately represented in the corridors of power.

The Role of the Constituency Party:

Under Dr. Bawumia’s proposal, the constituency party will have the responsibility of nominating 10 qualified and competent individuals for government appointments. This process not only fosters local participation but also ensures that those selected are accountable to their respective constituencies. The nominees will be aware that their appointments were made through the local party, reinforcing the connection between the party and its elected officials. Additionally, this mechanism prevents any appointees from disregarding their party responsibilities, as the party can use the whip system to address any such issues. Ultimately, this approach establishes a stronger bond between the party, government, and the constituents they represent.

Countering Skepticism:

Critics, including Franklin Cudjoe, have questioned the competence and viability of Dr. Bawumia’s proposal. However, it is important to note that competency is not solely determined by the size or reach of an individual’s organization, such as IMANI Ghana. Dr. Bawumia’s emphasis on selecting qualified and competent individuals reflects his commitment to ensuring that the best talents are engaged in driving national development. Furthermore, the process of nomination by the constituency party adds an additional layer of scrutiny, minimizing the risk of appointees being chosen based on nepotism or favoritism.

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia

Dr. Bawumia’s vision for constituency empowerment through government appointments is a commendable step towards enhancing inclusive governance and strengthening the bond between the party and its grassroots supporters. By providing each constituency with at least 10 slots, he is offering an avenue for capable individuals to contribute to national decision-making processes. This initiative will bridge the gap between the party and government, reinforcing the party’s influence and ensuring that appointees remain accountable to their respective constituencies. While skepticism exists, it is important to recognize the merits of this proposal and the potential positive impact it can have on Ghana’s governance. Dr. Bawumia’s commitment to inclusive and competent governance warrants support and recognition from within the NPP and across the nation.

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Credible Mahamudu Bawumia: A Compelling Contender Poised to Secure Victory in the NPP Presidential Primaries


In the highly anticipated NPP presidential primaries, one candidate stands out as the clear favorite: the most credible politician, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

Most credible politician, Dr. Bawumia

With consistently high approval ratings and a reputation for economic prowess, Dr. Bawumia has positioned himself as the most experienced and qualified contender in the race. As a vice president, he has played a crucial role in steering Ghana’s economic growth by championing innovative reforms like digitalization of government services. Additionally, his down-to-earth demeanor and unwavering commitment to public service has made him a popular figure among his contemporaries, especially for his dedication to improving the lives of marginalized communities. While facing competition from other candidates, such as Alan Kyerematen and Kennedy Agyapong, Dr. Bawumia’s strong track record and widespread appeal makes him the frontrunner in the upcoming NPP presidential primaries.

  1. Unwavering Approval Ratings:
    Recent polls conducted by the Ghana Center for Democratic Development (GCDD) indicates that Bawumia’s approval rating is 62% with his best opponent, Alan Kyeremanten trailing at 38%. This substantial margin reflects the trust and confidence Ghanaians place in his ability to lead and effect a positive change.
  2. Unparalleled Experience and Qualifications:
    Dr. Bawumia’s six-year tenure as vice president, coupled with his extensive prior government service, underscores his unparalleled experience and qualifications. His profound understanding of Ghana’s economy and the challenges it faces positions him as a candidate who can navigate complex economic landscapes with confidence and expertise.
  3. A Populist Leader for All Ghanaians:
    Dr. Bawumia’s appeal extends beyond his economic acumen. Ghanaians regard him as a relatable and honest leader who genuinely cares about their concerns. His down-to-earth nature and approachability have fostered a connection with citizens across the nation, further enhancing his popularity and trustworthiness.
  4. A Resilient and Experienced Campaign Team:
    Dr. Bawumia’s campaign team, comprising seasoned professionals, has meticulously devised a winning strategy for both the primaries and the general election. Their experience and expertise in mobilizing support, coupled with Dr. Bawumia’s popularity, provide a formidable force that positions him favorably in the race.
H.E Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia

As the NPP presidential primaries draw nearer, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia emerges as the leading candidate, backed by his remarkable approval ratings, extensive experience, and wide popularity among Ghanaians. With a proven track record of economic management, his ability to introduce vital reforms, and an unwavering commitment to public service, Dr. Bawumia embodies the qualities desired in a leader who can guide Ghana toward progress and prosperity. While facing competition from other candidates, the strength of Dr. Bawumia’s candidacy, supported by his exceptional qualifications and the dedication of his campaign team, positions him as the frontrunner and a formidable contender for the presidency of Ghana.

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I have my own vision for Ghana- Credible Bawumia

Vice Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, a flagbearer aspirant of the New Patriotic Party says he has his own vision for Ghana, which is to see the country leverage technology, data and systems for inclusive economic growth. 

Repost from…

The Vice President is seeking to lead the NPP as flagbearer in the 2024 elections. 

Addressing party supporters after after filing his presidential nomination forms at the party headquarters last Friday, the Vice President intimated that he has worked hard in both private and public life to attain the current position he occupies.

Though he served in various capacities under former President John Agyekum Kufour including being the Deputy Governor of the Bank of Ghana and subsequently as Vice President, he has his own vision for the country. 

He said “I also have my own vision for Ghana. I believe that it is time to move Ghana to the next level by building on the foundations we have put in place so far”.

He continued “Together with you, I want to see a Ghana where we leverage technology, data and systems for inclusive economic growth. I want to make Ghana the digital hub of Africa. I want us to bridge the digital divide and apply digital technology and artificial intelligence for the transformation of healthcare, education, and public service delivery amongst others”.

While stating his desire to see Ghana become a nation that caters for the poor, support local businesses and build industries for economic growth, there is a lot more the nation can do to attain its desired status. 

“Over the last 22 years, I have worked hard with you for the NPP and for Ghana from during the Kufuor era as Deputy Governor of the Bank of Ghana, through our years in opposition and now in government. During this period, I have sacrificed for the party, I have defended the party in good times and in challenging times, I have never wavered nor slacked. Never! and I have built a solid track record of performance as Vice President and unflinching loyalty to our party and government through rain or shine,” he declared.

Bawumia lays his vision to take Ghana to the next level

Before telling the ecstatic crowd and to a larger extent, Ghanaians, what his vision is for taking Ghana forward, Dr. Bawumia spoke about the transformational and impactful policies he has assisted President Akufo-Addo, as Vice President to achieve, inspite of the global economic difficulty of the past three years. 

“Notwithstanding the economic challenges of our time,  our government has constructed more infrastructure than any other government in the fourth republic and many transformational policies have been introduced for the first time in our history, including the Ghanacard, Digital Address, Mobile Money Interoperability, Delivery of medicines by drones, One District One Factory, Planting for Food and Jobs, Zongo Development Fund, Agenda 111, Free TVET and Free SHS to mention a few. We have also created 2.1 million jobs in six years, more than any government in the fourth republic.”

“Having implemented these transformational policy initiatives, it is very important that we don’t go backwards as a country. We cannot put the country back in the hands of people who don’t have an understanding of and belief in the vision. That is why it important for us to break the eight. There is still much more to do,” Dr. Bawumia said 
He continued: “I also have my own vision for Ghana. I believe that it is time to move Ghana to the next level by building on the foundations we have put in place so far.”

Dr. Bawumia then shared a summary of his vision for Ghana, and promised to share an elaborate one in his Manifesto for the 2024 elections, an indication of his confidence to be elected flagbearer by the NPP. 

“Together with you, I want to see a Ghana with an  education system tilted towards STEM, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, digital and vocational skills to cope with the demands of fourth Industrial Revolution.”

“Together with you, I want to see a Ghana where we cater and care for the the poor, vulnerable, excluded and sick people.” 

“Together with you, I want to see a Ghana where we attain food security in the shortest possible time through the application of science, data, Artificial Intelligence, Satellite, Internet of Things (IOT) and irrigation to commercial farming. We will also complete the ongoing digitalization of data on all farms across the 16 regions.”

“Together with you, I want to see a Ghana where we maximize the benefits from our natural resources like gold and lithium through policies like, value addition, setting up an LBMA certified gold refinery, enhancing the gold for oil policy, and dedication of specific gold concessions to the Bank of Ghana to enhance their accumulation of gold reserves.”

“Together with you, I want to see Ghana as an industrialized nation. I want to entrench and enhance the current strategy of industrialization that we have embarked on and introduce new technology like digital manufacturing for the manufacturing of spare parts, syringes, and other equipment.”

“Together with you, I want to see a Ghana with robust fiscal discipline in the management of our public finances to sustainably and significantly reduce bank lending rates.”

“Together with you, I want to see a Ghana with an empowered local business sector, especially startups and SMEs to drive investment and growth. We will transform the SME landscape by providing unique identifiers and using technology to help them access new financing and markets. I also want to provide incentives to the private sector to replace government in the provision of a significant amount of infrastructure and many other services.”

“Together with you, I want to see a Ghana with a developed and efficient credit system through credit scoring by credit reference agencies by leveraging on integrated databases across banks, DVLA, NIA, Digital Address systems etc. to enable workers buy furniture, cars, TVs, fridges and homes (mortgages) on credit at lower cost.”

“Together with you, I want to see a Ghana with energy self-sufficiency at reduced cost through solar and other renewables with the application of market efficiency to the energy market.”

“Together with you, I want to see a Ghana with an enhanced focus on private and public investment in tourism, creative arts and sports.”

“This is not an exhaustive list and in due course we will have a chance to lay out a comprehensive Manifesto for Ghanaians.”

Man arrested for shooting mother to death during fight with wife


Mahamudu Bawumia “Greatness from Pain”

Kofi Osei writes:

Bawumia is a household name and a Political Stronghold in Ghana which cannot be questioned by anyone.

He came in a neophyte politician! He was technocrat and became a politician. The transition was amazing. The Bawumia who came into politics in 2008 innocently and gentlemanly has become a Tough nut 🌰 and politically inclined person.

Dr. Bawumia files nomination

As a politician, he became the most reliable running mate one could find, and an effective Vice President. In fact, Dr. Bawumia has become the yardstick for the selection of presidential running mate in our recent political history, one must match up to him, a fact even his detractors concede.

By August 2013 As a star witness for the Npp at the Supreme Court, Bawumia’s brilliant data presented and analysis given of the issues during court proceedings made him appreciated. It was a live broadcast nationally making popular and accepted by many, especially members of his party who had doubted his political credentials. He was so brilliant and analytical in his submissions that he was widely nicknamed Dr. Pink Sheet

Bawumia won the hearts of many Ghanaians and patriots with his delivery on 2012 election petition and it became Evident on the pink sheet the guy was on a quick ascendancy! That was when he coined the ever famous political term in Ghana 🇬🇭 “You and I were not there” He stands in my eyes the leader of the pack amongst the incoming candidates.

He’s humble, he’s Jovial, he’s a link between the 2 most popular religious groups in Ghana, where they all claim him as theirs. It’s beautiful

Steering away from Scandals and Personal public vendettas makes him a pick for many.

Dr. Bawumia and wife Samira

He has been in power so long to have courted some affection and love amongst his colleague politicians. He was appreciated so much by Nana Addo that it looked more like Nana’s boys and loyalists became his boys. That the loyalty to Nana almost became a birthright to Bawumia.

Bawumia Stands tall amongst all others, I know it won’t be an override by him as Politics is more than we see with the eye. As an ardent follower and admirer of Kennedy Agyapong, it hurts to say but the DMB brand is too Strong and Viable to cut short.

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Most credible politician, Dr. Bawumia sets the record straight on his citizenship


The most credible Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has denied having British citizenship.
This claim is bolstered by information about the vice president on the British government’s Companies House website, where Dr. Bawumia is listed as indicating that he is a Brit.

However, the vice president has said that part of the information on the website is incorrect.
According to him, he indicated unequivocally that he is a Ghanaian on the document he filled out for Companies House when he was the director of the Ghana International Bank, a subsidiary of the Bank of Ghana in London, UK.
A copy of Dr. Bawumia’s Companies House form from 2006, which the vice president’s office provided, revealed that he wrote that he was Ghanaian.

Except for his nationality and the day he resigned, which were not on the form, all of Dr. Bawumia’s details captured on the website matched what he entered on the information form.
GhanaWeb has sought out to Companies House and the British High Commission in Accra for explanation, but neither has answered.
The vice president’s profile on the Companies House website included information about his time as a director of the Ghana International Bank.
It stated that the Ghana International Bank was still operating in the United Kingdom, but that Dr. Bawumia had quit as director.
On October 18, 2006, he was appointed, and on April 15, 2009, he resigned.

House No. 48, 6th Estate Road, Kanda Estates, Accra, Greater Accra, Ghana was listed as his address.
The vice president’s occupation was listed as banker, and he was British.

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NPP Diaspora group endorses the competent Bawumia


The vice president’s bid to lead the New Patriotic Party (NPP) into the 2024 elections has received the support of the party’s overseas supporters.
The “Diaspora4Bawumia” organisation is pleading with their party’s delegates to support Dr. Bawumia, who will be running for president alongside his wife, the Second Lady Samira Bawumia.
They think the couple will make outstanding leaders who will significantly improve Ghana.
They also believed the Second Lady is the kind of instrumental woman that the nation needs to support her husband to bring development.


In the realm of potential first ladies actively engaged in campaign platforms for either the NPP or NDC, Samira Bawumia stands out alongside Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings. Her captivating presence ignited tremendous enthusiasm during the NPP rallies of the 2016 and 2020 campaigns. The 2024 campaign would be very exciting to have Samira Bawumia going after Mahama as a potential First Lady. Dr Mahamudu Bawumia must win the NPP’s presidential primaries to make this happen.

NDC ran more efficient campaigns when Rawlings and his wife Nana Konadu led separate teams to criss-cross the whole country. While Rawlings led a group of party stalwarts in the south, Nana Konadu met women in the north with her 31st December Women’s Wing of the party. Those were crowd-pulling days for NDC, and their rallies were ecstatic with party supporters and floating voters. However, with Dr Bawumia and Samira, the table turns in favour of the NPP.

In 2020, Mahama leveraged his female vice-presidential candidate to gain more support from women, akin to Nana Konadu’s contributions to Rawlings and the NDC. With Dr Bawumia as the presidential candidate, Samira’s efforts will intensify to counter Jane Naana’s campaign in the event she partners with Mahama again. Moreover, if Jane does not join forces with Mahama in the 2024 elections, Samira will make deeper inroads into NDC’s strongholds. None of the ten presidential candidates possesses a dynamic campaigning spouse capable of executing this strategic endeavour to break the eight.

Samira’s youthful charisma, persuasive abilities, and fashionable allure will attract the gatherings of young Ghanaians, particularly young women. Her influence will be instrumental in winning over Zongo women, galvanizing support from the youth, and appealing to the general voting populace on behalf of the NPP. A remarkable surge of lady-led campaign groups will emerge to rally behind Samira, promoting Dr Bawumia and the NPP. She will not only be a firebrand campaigner for her husband and the party but also an essential asset in Dr Bawumia’s potential presidency.

Ghana is poised to witness an exceptional duo reminiscent of the experience of Barack and Michelle Obama as the first gentleman and first lady. It would be an experience to behold. Dr Bawumia must win, and this is re-echoed in the voice of the Diaspora.



The Diaspora Voice!

Kwasi Owusu-Afriyie – Finland
(Comms & Research Director, Disapora4DMB)

Kingsley Ahenkora-Duodu – UK
(Chairman, Diaspora4DMB)