NEWS Politics


The flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Former President John Dramani Mahama was the keynote speaker for Christian Service University’s 50th anniversary in Kumasi. Delivering his lecture, John Maham jabbed Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia by describing his campaign trail as a “concert party”. A student at the gathering who is reportedly the organizer of pro-NPP group on the university campus, TESCON, wasn’t pleased with the statement.

Narrating the incidence to the media, the second year student of the university whose name is Nana Boakye said “I also responded and said, ‘Mahama wo boa’ na wo b3 wi’ [Meaning Mahama you’re lying, you will lose]. Later on, I saw a macho man who approached me and gave me a warning that I should be careful. So, I also asked him ‘What have I done’? And the moment I asked him the question, he came directly and slapped me in front of the former President. So on our way out of the auditorium, when we got to the main entrance of the auditorium, I heard another slap. Out of that, I was not able to see anything, and I also saw one guy who held my hand backwards, and they started beating me in my stomach, my head and stuff like that.”

 An attempt to rescue him proved futile, as some irate NDC affiliates broke into an office where he was kept. Police later intervened and rescued the student, but it is unclear whether the student received medical attention. The victim has yet to file a complaint to the Police.

The Ashanti Regional NPP is appalled by the incident and has called out the violent act of the NDC violent group. The National Youth Wing of the NPP has called out the flagbearer of the NDC, John Mahama to apologize to the victim.

NEWS Politics


Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the presidential candidate of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) during the Eid celebrations at the Independence Square, was giving a great honor by the National Chief Imam of Ghana, Sheikh Osman Nuhu Sharubutu.

The Eid-Al-Adha celebrations which celebrate the symbol of Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son to Allah was commemorated by muslims globally which Ghanaian muslim community joined in the celebration. Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia who himself is a muslim graced the occasion with his presence to celebrate with other muslims in the country.

The National Chief Imam presented to Dr. Bawumia a citation of appreciation for his immense support for the muslim community in the country. He appreciated him for his generosity and full commitment towards the course of Islam in the country.

“You’re a captain of the ship in bringing the capabilities of the youth to bear especially your initiative in championing the course of unity, respect and innovation in the youth who are the leaders of the unborn generation. You have put the youth especially zongo youth in a high pedestal in Ghana today which is praiseworthy”. He further said for his contribution to youth development in the country.

“May your dreams come true and Allah shall reward you in His own ways”. The National Chief Imam further blessed the Vice President. Dr. Bawumia thanked him for the honor bestowed on him and showed appreciation to the Ghanaian Muslim community.

NEWS Politics


Daasebre Osei Bonsu II, occupant of Siver Stool of Asanteman

As part of his campaign tour, the Presidential candidate of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia paid a visit to the Ashanti Regional House of Chiefs. The Ashanti Regional House of Chiefs has expressed high regard for Vice President, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia.

Dr. Bawumia soheing reverence to an Asante Chief

Daasebre Osei Bonsu II, Occupant of the Silver Stool of Asanteman hailing the Vice President said “For the record, you are the first dignitary, external dignitary that is a non-member of the house and non-member of Asanteman who is paying us a visit and nananom especially some of the queen mothers were here before 9am. This shows for the record the high esteem that we accord you and hold you.”

Dr. Bawumia addressing the Ashanti Regional House Of Chief

These engagements aim to consolidate support and outline the NPP’s achievements and future plans for the region. During his address at the Ashanti Regional House of Chiefs, Dr. Bawumia reiterated his commitment to the development of the Ashanti Region, highlighting the government’s accomplishments in infrastructure, education, and healthcare.

Dr. Bawumia greeting queen mothers of Asanteman

He noted the recent opening of the airport and the ongoing work at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital as key examples of progress.

NEWS Politics


Dr. Bawumia with his entourage leading the crowd

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the presidential candidate of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), continued his retail campaign in the Ashanti Region which is the last region of his campaign tour. The crowd that welcomed him en route to the capital of the Ashanti Region swept him off his feet, he couldn’t help but join them on the streets and exchange pleasantries with them.

Dr Bawumia was mobbed by the KNUST students at the  Conti and Kantaga halls, market women, drivers, passersby, party executives, his entourage and party faithfuls as he went to interact with them and exchange pleasantries.

Dr. Bawumia exchanging pleasantries with a driver

As early as 5:00am Monday morning hundreds had already besieged the Ahodwo residence of the 2024 NPP flagbearer, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia. The numbers kept growing in every passing minute. At exactly 7:00am thousands were already in waiting for the Vice President to come out of his house. An approximately 3 kilometers walk was to herald his three-day tour of the Ashanti Region from his Atinga Junction residence to the True Vine Hotel.

The crowd at True Vine Hotel

His campaign trail in the region will also see him engage, the Ashanti Regional house of chiefs, the business community, clergy and other identifiable groups. “This crowd is a manifestation that, the stronghold of the ruling party has not flopped” Deputy Minister of Defense and MP for Atwima Kwawonma, Kofi Amankwah-Manu said..

NEWS Politics


275 Baseline Survey report by Professor Smart Sarpong released their research findings on the most preferred candidate in the 2024 elections. The research engaged 59,547 people across the 16 regions of Ghana. Data collection for this survey lasted for 30 days commencing on the 1st of April and ended on the 30th of April .

Per the study, a lot of people are more likely to vote for the NDC rather than the NPP making the NDC lead the polls with 38.8% compared to NPP’s 34.5% with 3.6% of the people likely to vote for other parties and a good percentage of 23% yet to decide who to vote for. This makes the NDC leads the popular vote with people preferring the NDC to the NPP. The NDC leads in 8 regions which include, Bono East, Oti, Volta, Northern, Greater Accra, Savanna, Upper West and Upper East regions. The NPP on the other hand leads in 7 regions which include, Ashanti, Ahafo, Western North, Central, Eastern and Bono regions. Even tough NDC leads in the Western Region, it becomes the undecided region because the Western Region is the region with the most undecided voters with 38%.

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia is the most preferred candidate with 38.9% of prospective voters likely to vote for him followed closely by John Mahama with 36.1%. 21.4% of prospective voters are yet to decide who amongst the candidates they will vote for with 3.6% likely to vote for other political parties. Dr. Bawumia leads in the Ashanti, Ahafo, Bono, Eastern, Central, Western. North East and the Western North regions. It is suprising to know the Central region will likely to vote for Dr. Bawumia despite the NDC choosing a running mate from the region.

The factors put to testthat informed voters’ decision are Competence, Track record, Ethnicity, Religion, Fianancial inducement and Party affiliation. 50.3% of the prospective voters are likely to vote for a candidate because of competence, 22.5% because of track record, 19.1% because of party affiliation, 3.7% because of financial inducement, 1.2% because of religion, 0.9% because of ethnicity and 2.2% of the voters said no factor comes in mind. It is fair to conclude, Dr. Bawumia is the most preferred candidate 6 months to the 2024 elections. Baseline Survey said this is the first of three surveys including post elections survey for election 2024.

NEWS Politics


There has been a new sensation in the social media space recently with a lot of social media activists associated with the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) posting the #PerfectPair4Ghana on social media. For some time now, a lot of people in both the traditional space and social media space and the country as a whole have been anxious to know who becomes the running mate to the Vice President and the presidential  candidate of the New Patriotic Party, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia.

A post on Facebook

There has been a lot of discussions on the running mate conversation. Many names have popped up with a lot of people ‘lobbying’ for the running mate slot. Names in the media space include, Dr. Matttew Opoku Prempeh also known as Napo, the Minister for Energy, Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum, the Minister of Education, Dr. Bryan Acheampong, the Minister of Agriculture, Akosua Osei Fremah Opare, the Chief of Staff and a host of other names.

A post on twitter

Dr. Bawumia was voted for by the NPP delegates in November and he is yet to announce who will partner him come December polls. Speaking in the media space,  a lot of NPP bigwigs have tried on several occasions to dismiss the running mate conversation saying the flagbearer needs time to make his own decision and won’t be pressurize to announce anyone.

A post on Instagram

Recently, some NPP social media activists have started a new social media trend, a #PerfectPair4Ghana creating anticipation on social media. Could it be the announcement of the running mate of Dr. Bawumia is drawing near? We wait to see.

NEWS Politics


Greater Accra House of Chiefs

The flagbearer of the New Patriotic party (NPP), Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia during his campaign tour in the  Greater Accra Region paid a visit to the Greater Accra Regional House of Chiefs. The Paramount Chief of Nungua and Acting President of the Greater Accra Regional House of Chiefs, Oboade Notse Professor Odaifio Welentsi III, received the Vice President with a warm welcome.

Oboade Notse Professor Odaifio Welentsi III addressing the gsathering

Welentsi III speaking on behalf of the Greater Accra Regional House of Chiefs, couldn’t help but admire his leadership style as it is a departure from the violent and radical approach that has characterized some leaders in the past. They believe his calm demeanor will enable him to make informed decisions that will benefit the country and its citizens. “We state with all emphasis that when it comes to effective leadership, you don’t have to be radical, violent, or pompous to be a bold leader. Being a bold leader is not about brawls, but rather brains.” They remarked.

Oboade Notse Welentsi III concluded his statement by stressing on the belief in the visions and policies of the Vice President. “Having observed you from afar, we believe you have a lot of potential to offer this country. Do not disappoint, because your records will always be there – they will be used to evaluate you. On selfless leadership, we have less to say about you. Your Excellency, you are an accomplished man. You’re a successful man. Therefore, we are convinced you will not fail the test when it comes to selfless leadership,” he stated.

Dr. Bawumia expressing his appreciation

Dr. Bawumia thanked the Greater Accra Regional House of Chiefs for their endorsement and assured them that he will not disappoint the country when elected President. He also sought their wisdom and guidance in his quest to lead Ghana forward.

NEWS Politics


The flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia as part of his campaign tour in the Greater Accra Region met with the clergy to seek prayers and guidance for his tour in the region.

Meeting with the clergy, Dr. Bawumia said that if elected president, he will partner the clergy to secure support from the private sector to complete the national cathedral. “I believe it is a very important thing for Ghana. I think that as it stands now the church will have to come together and government, sit down and talk about the way forward. The church should come together to let us know how we can even get private resources to help us complete the cathedral but I think IT IS POSSIBLE,” he suggested.

The NPP Presidential candidate will later meet the Imams of the muslim community as well and receive islamic prayers. In his tour in Accra, he will spend two days engaging with the youth, market women and other stakeholders.

NEWS Politics


The Vice President  of Ghana who doubles as the New Patriotic Party’s Presidential Candidate for the 2024 elections, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, resumes his regional campaign tour after a brief break. He continues in the Volta Region having visited most of the regions across the country. He began his tour in the Volta Region by meeting with the clergy as he did in his previous campaign tour in the regions he visited.

Dr. Bawumia later moved to the Volta Regional House of Chiefs, where  he sought counsel, guidance and maximum support from the traditional leaders to help him become the president of this country. Speaking to the traditional leaders, the Vice President t explained his visions and policies of flat rate tax system, tax amnesty as well as reiterating his stance in the raging LGBTQ debate in the country. He said, our culture, traditions and religious values frown on it so do I. Never under any circumstance will LGBTQ be accepted in this country.

The President of the Volta Regional House of Chiefs Togbe Tapre Hodo IV praised Dr. Bawumia for his  “progressive and forward looking ideas for Ghana. He later took to the streets where he was mobbed by a large crowd with an electrifying atmosphere who kept on chanting his slogan, “It Is Possible”. The people continued cheering him as he exchanged pleasantries with them.

Dr. Bawumia later met with the youth at his Youth Connect programme where he met with nursing trainees and other youth groups to explain his policies which he has always insisted it is youth targeted.

NEWS Politics


The flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia stormed the Ho Central Market with a large crowd, waiting to cheer him on. The familiar campaign strategy of going to the people, interacting with market women and taken to the streets on foot wasn’t amiss.

Dr Bawumia met the people with so much excitement and cheers as the people continue to chant the slogan of his campaign, ‘It Is Possible’. Having already met with the clergy to seek prayers, the traditional leaders to seek counsel as well as the youth all in the quest to explain his policies and visions, market women and the mass populace within the region weren’t left out.

As the Vice President took to the street, a mammoth crowd met him with cheers and he exchanged pleasantries with them. As he continue to exchange pleasantries, a number of the people requested for his t-shirt which was adorned with his slogan, ‘It Is Possible’, of which he was happy to distribute.

The people couldn’t hide their excitement when the t-shirt was being distributed as the crowd began to scramble for the t-shit causing pandemonium at the market center.