NEWS Politics

We have raised $50,000 to support the competent Bawumia- Group declares


In order to assist Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the vice president, in his campaign for the NPP flagbearership, an organization calling itself the Bawumia Fan Club has raised $50,000.

The group claimed that all of its members across the nation’s diverse constituencies contributed to the fund-raising effort.

Dr. Bawumia, the vice president, has formally announced his desire to compete in the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) presidential primary elections.

The NPP’s candidate for the pivotal general elections of 2024 will be chosen in the primaries scheduled for November 2023.

Dr. Bawumia is the best candidate to lead the party due to his leadership qualities, according to the group’s National Chairman, Eric Kwabena Twumasi Ankrah, during a gathering at the Cultural Centre in Kumasi.

He claimed that the vice president is inherently superior to all other contenders because of his humility and regard for regular Ghanaians.

He said that Dr. Bawumia “has all the qualities to lead the country. He is very respectful and knowledgeable.”

The vice president, according to Mr. Ankrah, has been able to start a number of projects, the most notable of which is his ability to digitalize nearly every industry in the nation.He came to the conclusion that none of the contenders has the skills necessary to challenge and defeat Dr. Bawumia.

“Bawumia’s knowledge greatly aided the NPP. He helped us see things differently in nearly everything, including elections, thus he is the ideal candidate to lead the party and Ghana in general following the 2024 elections, the speaker said.

He declared that the group is ready to support the vice president in any way.

Upon their return from the Kumawu by-election, he said, “We will wait for them at the party’s office in Accra and hand over the money to him, any amount we are ready to pay for him.”

Millicent The group’s Ashanti Regional Chairman, Elizabeth Boateng, said that people shouldn’t believe that the vice president gave them the money because it was actually raised internally among the group’s members.

She said the group has long backed Dr. Bawumia and will do all it takes to ensure his success.

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She claimed that Dr. Bawumia was the most qualified candidate to lead the party and the nation because he has held the role of flagbearer.

NEWS Politics

Vote massively for Ernest Yaw Anim- Credible Bawumia to Kumawu electorates

The Ashanti Region’s Kumawu electorate has been urged by Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia to cast their votes for Mr. Ernest Yaw Anim, the NPP’s parliamentary candidate in the next by-election.

At the late MP Philip Basoah’s funeral on Saturday, President Nana Akufo-Addo and other senior government officials were there. Dr. Bawumia afterwards told NPP supporters: “In this by-election, we want the whole of Ghana to know that Kumawu is NPP’s territory.”

“With love, come out in your numbers to vote for our parliamentary candidate Ernest Yaw Anim to win this by-election,” said Dr. Bawumia.

The applicant, according to him, “will ensure Kumawu is developed” and is “humble, hard-working, and intelligent.”

I really like him, let’s all vote for him, boom boom, Dr. Bawumia said.

The main opposition National Democratic Congress’s (NDC) Kwasi Amankwa, well known as Tom Cee, would face off against the NPP candidate.

Philip Basoah, the Kumawu MP, passed away in March of this year.In 2012, he was first elected to the legislature.



Competent Bawumia is the man of the people; sends a clear signal

During his talks with New Patriotic Party (NPP) stakeholders in various Regions, Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia received a resounding backing for his ambition to be the party’s flag bearer.


Dr. Bawumia has started consultations with important party members and outside parties over the past few weeks to let them know of his intentions and then to ask for their support before he formally announces his candidacy for the vacant NPP Flagbearership for the 2024 election.

Before meeting with important party blocks, including the crucial Majority Caucus, to formally advise them of his decision, sources claim he first contacted President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, Former President J.A. Kufuor, and other stalwarts of the NPP.

The Vice President is claimed to have informed and sought the permission of numerous traditional and religious officials around the country in order to show respect for these institutions, a critical step that his rivals skipped over.

By engaging with important stakeholders from throughout the Regions over the past two weeks, Dr. Bawumia has moved his focus to honoring the NPP’s regional structure, and the responses have been overwhelmingly positive.

He recently traveled to the Western North, Western, Central, Volta, and Oti Regions where he encountered ecstatic party members who were unreserved in their support for him.

Dr. Bawumia visited the three Bono and Ahafo Regions, the Ashanti and Northern Regions, as well as other places this week.

The Vice President has received a ton of support in each of the regions he has traveled to.

A former campaign manager for Alan Kyerematen, a candidate for the position of flagbearer, shocked the ebullient Regional party stakeholders in Volta Region when he announced his support for Dr. Bawumia.

Kofi Dzamesi, a former close associate of Alan Kyerematen, stated that “Dr. Bawumia is the only one who can break the 8 for the NPP and I support him.”

Numerous people charged outside in the Bono Region when Dr. Bawumia was locked in a meeting with the party stakeholders, yelling his name and demanding he address them.

The Vice President complied, but he stopped short of openly announcing his ambition to be the flagbearer.

Instead, he praised the tense audience, urged party cohesion, and reassured them that the administration would continue to function.

In the Ashanti Region, which is the NPP’s heartland, nothing changed.

Major players in the Region, including constituency executives, publicly screamed Bawumia’s name and vowed their unwavering support for him while praising his dedication and fidelity to the party.

Anthony Amankwaa, the constituency chairman for Oforikrom, summarized the feelings of his fellow Ashanti Regional constituency chairmen when he noted that they had long recognized Dr. Bawumia’s major contributions to the party and government and had been working hard for him.

“Dr., the campaign (to elect you) didn’t begin today. Together with our Chairman, Wontumi, we started the initiative a long time ago. Since we are already working, there is even no need for us to speak today. May God bless you,” Chairman Amankwaa said to thunderous applause from his colleagues. “We will see you through, and we trust you will go and break the 8 for us.

Collins Addai of Atwima Mponua, a different chairman, praised Dr. Bawumia for his enormous contributions to the NPP’s electoral success, highlighting in particular the areas where the NPP had historically struggled until the rise of Dr. Bawumia.

As he continued with his important stakeholder engagements in the Upper West, Savannah, and Northern Regions, the pattern of widespread stakeholder endorsement, favorable testimonies, and enthusiastic grassroots support for Dr. Bawumia persisted in the North.

Only time will tell what lies ahead as the NPP opens nominations for the presidential race the following week and Vice President Bawumia prepares to make a formal public declaration to start what promises to be a historic journey.

However, the early signs indicate that he will lead the NPP into the upcoming elections as the front-runner and the supporter.

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The Delegates Will Reward Competent Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia for His Sacrifices and Loyalty to the Party


In this write-up, I would like to bring to bare the sacrifices, loyalty, dedication and commitment exhibited by H. E. Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia to the New Patriotic Party (NPP) from the time of his nomination as a running mate in 2008 to the victory won in 2016. The previous write-up unearthed some of the untold contributions of Dr. Bawumia to the NPP government and by extension NPP in the former president J. A. Kufuor’s government.

Dr. Bawumia was working at the Central Bank of Ghana as a deputy governor. He was appointed by former president Kufuor. He was enjoying his work there as he was contributing his quota to the development of that sector and Ghana as a whole. Little did he know that he will be selected as a running mate to the then candidate Nana Akufo-Addo in 2008. However, he made a very risky but important decision by leaving his job at the Bank of Ghana and accepting a running mate slot that was not a guarantee that he will automatically become the Vice President of Ghana. This decision he took, marked the beginning of his sacrifices for NPP.

The New Patriotic Party went into the 2008 general elections with Dr. Bawumia as its running mate. He toured the length and breadth of the country, canvassing for votes for the party to retain power and possibly break the eight then. Unfortunately, the party lost power to the then largest opposition party.

After the 2008 general elections in Ghana, Dr. Bawumia had many high-profile job opportunities and among them was Resident Representative of the African Development Bank for Zimbabwe. He worked there for some time until he was called by his boss, Nana Akufo-Addo again to partner him for the 2012 Ghana’s general elections for the second time. Dr. Bawumia answered the call again to serve NPP by leaving that enviable position again at the AfDB. The love of Dr Bawumia for NPP is undoubtedly unquantifiable evidence by the critical sacrifices he has made so far for the party.

The delegates saw how Dr. Bawumia campaigned vigorously in 2012 general elections. He committed himself to the course of the party and as usual travelled across the whole country severally until the D-Day where he cast his vote in Kperiga in the Walewale constituency. The declaration of the results was not in favor of the NPP.

The NPP as a law-abiding party did not resort to violence but rather filed a petition at the Supreme Court to challenge the electoral process and the results of the elections. A very important question is that, who was the key witness to the NPP’s petition in court? Dr. Bawumia! It will interest you to know that no one was ready to enter the witness box but Dr Bawumia availed himself despite the potential political risk associated with it. I am aware he was advised against the decision to enter the witness box but for his love and loyalty to the party, he opted to defend the party. He defended the party creditably well while in the witness box at the Supreme Court.

Interestingly, National Democratic Congress (NDC) also went to court in 2021 following the declaration of the 2020 general elections after unsuccessful street protest amidst burning of car tyres on major roads in parts of the country. There was a clear difference between Dr. Bawumia as a key witness to the 2012 general elections’ petition and Mr. Asiedu Nketiah (General Mosquito) as a key witness to the 2020 general elections’ petition. The famous calculations by General Mosquito and I did not bring any figure to court in mind. Dr. Bawumia as a witness exposed a lot of flaws in the electoral process in the Ghanaian elections in 2012 and there is no doubt that it helped in shaping and guiding subsequent elections in Ghana. He sacrificed his time, family, job, resources, among others and stayed to the course of NPP until the final judgement was made. It must be stated clearly that the 2012 general elections’ petition ran for a period of eight months continuously. This kind of sacrifices can only be made by the only and only delegates’ choice, Dr Bawumia.

The undesirable results of the Supreme Court judgement in 2013 did not dampen the spirit of Dr. Bawumia at all as he continued his efforts in getting NPP back to power. In fact, he did not even look for any job again but devoted his all to the party’s course. He fought hard in 2016 general elections and finally, God delivered victory to the party. It is a common knowledge that the victory of NPP in the 2016 elections was largely attributed to the ever loyal, dedicated, committed and hard-working Dr. Bawumia.

As a result of the sacrifices and unflinching loyalty of Dr. Bawumia to the party and Nana Akufo-Addo, he has been selected as a running mate for four consecutive times to partner Nana Akufo-Addo. This is unprecedented in the history of the fourth republic of Ghana if not the whole of Africa. This rare opportunity can only happen to a rare gem like H. E Alhaji. Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

In conclusion, it is evident that Dr. Bawumia’s sacrifices and loyalty to the NPP is noticed by both majority of delegates and non-delegates alike within the party. The delegates are saying that, the massive support Dr Bawumia is enjoying today is earned through the many sacrifices he has made and continue to make for the party. Hence, the delegates are ready to reward him with a resounding victory on 4th November, 2023 to lead NPP in the 2024 general elections to break the eight.

H. E. Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, president of Ghana, 2025. It is possible, In Sha Allah. Thank You

Alhaji Salifu Hadara

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NEWS Politics

Ghanaians are clamoring for Dr. Bawumia because he is competent – Omari Wadie


Michael Omari Wadie, a member of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has said the Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia is the choice of the party.

He said the support the Vice President has within the NPP extends to the majority of Ghanaians.

Speaking on Accra FM, he said the 2024 elections will be between the competent one which is Dr. Bawumia and the incompetent one which is John Mahama.

“It is going to be a contest between the Vice President, Dr Mahamadu Bawumia, who is ‘The Competent One’ and former President John Dramani Mahama, who is also ‘The Incompetent One’,” he explained.

He said Dr Bawumia is NPP’s surest bet for victory as the majority of the party’s support base is clamouring for his appearance on the ballot paper as the flagbearer.

“I have been to all 270 constituencies across [the country] and the chorus is: ‘Let Dr Bawumia come and we will come out in our numbers to vote for him and the party to break the eight-year political jinx’,” he said.

In his view, while Dr Bawumia is incorruptible, the same cannot be said of Mr Mahama.

The First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Joe Osei-Owusu said majority of the members in parliament support Dr. Bawumia.

Speaking in an Oyerepa TV interview, Joseph Osei-Owusu, who is affectionately called Joewise, said that he is one of the over 100 MPs who are supporting the presidential bid of Dr Bawumia.

“Most of the NPP MPs at the last count were about 118 MPs and I am one of them. I speak for myself and my support for Bawumia, and I know over 100 NPP MPs also support Bawumia,” he told the morning show host of Kumasi-based Oyerepa TV, Kwesi Parker-Wilson.

He added that declaring his support for Bawumia does not violate the party’s order against active campaigning because most of the presidential candidates themselves have started campaigning.



Alan Kyerematen

Come November 4, 2023, will be that time in the life of every Patriot of the Elephant family to make a decision that will somewhat make or break the party. Of course, the fortune of every patriot is dependent on the candidate we present for the general elections come December 2024.

Loyalty won’t be taken for granted when accessing the right candidate to lead the party. Alan Kyeremanten over the years has shown enough of his disloyalty to persons who gave him a shoulder to stand on when it mattered most.

It is a no-brainer that Alan Kyerematen rose to the political and national limelight due to the benevolence of President Kufour.

President Kufuor first appointed Alan Kyerematen as Ghana’s ambassador to the US in 2001 and then as a Minister of Trade and Industry until he resigned to contest as NPP flag bearer in 2007.

Those of us who were active in government and party saw how President Kufuor gave his huge shoulders for Alan Kyerematen to stand on. Alan became so powerful that he could appoint, transfer or remove appointees at will.

Former Trade Minister

Alan Kyeremayen was seen engaging in an opulence campaign. Sharing money both GhanaCedis and US dollars all over, hence the name Alan Cash.

Alan Kyerematen was abusing his power by flying Presidential jets and military helicopters to go and meet with delegates.

Unfortunately, Alan Kyerematen lost the Presidential primaries to Nana Akufo Addo.

Since then, Alan Kyerematen has consistently exhibited his disloyalty, self-seeking and ingratitude traits toward President Kufuor.

Alan Kyerematen has over the years boasted to close circles that he does not owe any loyalty to President Kufour. According to Alan, President Kufuor smartly tilted toward him at the end when he saw that Alan was the obvious choice to succeed him.

Alan Kyerematen gets furious when he is described as a protege of President Kufuor.

This is the reason why Alan never visited President Kufuor after the latter left power. Alan as a Trade Minister who never visited President Kufuor privately at his residence except showing up during birthdays to take pictures.

Alan never visited President Kufuor until it occurred to him that he will be contesting another Presidential primary and needed to create an impression in the eyes of his supporters.

Why is Alan Kyerematen trying hard to take cover from President Kufuor now that things are getting more difficult for him?

It is not surprising that President Kufuor has never publicly or privately said anything good about Alan.

The future is indeed pregnant. To be continued…..

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Attacking Bawumia is unfortunate- Samba to Agyapong

Kennedy Agyapong, the Member of Parliament (MP) for Assin Central, has received criticism from Mohammed A. Baantima Samba, the Northern Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), for his attack on Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.
Because of the vice president’s significance to the NPP, according to Baantima Samba, the MP does not deserve to criticise him.

He claimed that Dr. Bawumia was instrumental in the NPP’s triumph in the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections and deserves recognition for his hard effort.
“I strongly condemn his unprovoked attacks on the vice president whose efforts and sacrifices contributed hugely to returning the NPP twice into office, with its attendant benefits to Kennedy, myself and many party people across the country.

“If his likes would not honour the vice president for his work for our party, they should not be attacking him unprovoked,” he said.

“For a man seeking to lead a noble party like the NPP, Kennedy’s conduct and pronouncements must mirror what the NPP is noted for: respect, decorum, dignity, and civility in speech,” he added.
The Assin Central MP criticized Dr. Bawumia for the nation’s economic difficulty, especially the depreciation of the Ghana cedi, which he claimed cost him a lot of money.
The vice president, he said, shouldn’t be the one leading the NPP into the 2024 elections due to the economy’s dismal performance and his prior utterances.

“When your fundamentals are weak, the exchange rate will expose you. When you were making that statement, the exchange rate was GH¢4.20p. On Friday, it was GH¢15.00 to a dollar.

“What message do you want to give to Ghanaians again? Let me tell you; I’m telling you this straight; I’m saying all these things because of [something]…from March this year to August this year, through the exchange rate, I lost $12 million,” Kennedy Agyapong said in a viral audio.
He also threatened to shut down the presidential campaign of the vice president if he is not treated fairly in the flagbearer race of the NPP.


Have faith in the government- Bawumia

Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has urged Ghanaians to reflect on the great achievements of the past six years and have faith in the government to continue to provide for Ghanaians in these trying times in the midst of the economic crisis.
To demonstrate the government’s capacity to address the current issues, the Vice President listed several interventions that had been implemented in the previous six years.

Dr. Bawumia said the government is prepared to do more to help ease the plight of the typical Ghanaian during his speech at the 60th Hogbetsotso Festival of the Anlos in Anloga.
“It is important to note that in the midst of all of this turmoil, we should put things in perspective,” he said.
“The government of Nana Addo Danquah Akufo-Addo has over the last six years taken many steps to reposition and transform the economy.”
“So whilst we have hardships today which we are working very hard to alleviate… let us not forget what we have been able to do in the last six years.”

As an example, Dr. Bawumia said they had created more jobs “than any other government in the fourth republic.”
“Let me recall that we have constructed more roads than any other government in the fourth republic,” he added.


Dr. Bawumia commended by the AfCFTA

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, vice president, has received an honorary membership from the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Policy Network (APN).
Executives from the network also extended an invitation to Dr. Bawumia to attend the network’s upcoming flagship event, the Africa Globalized Investment Summit in Seychelles in 2023, during a courtesy call on the Vice-President at the Jubilee House.
This APN
As the largest and most influential international non-governmental organisation (NGO) with a primary focus on AfCFTA implementation, the APN was founded in 2019.
The executive director of the APN Women of Africa Network, Audrey Biney, the executive counsel of Women of Africa, Dr. Joe Tackie, the board chairman of the APN, and Joyce Williams, the leader of the USA delegation, were all part of the delegation.
Others included Kwasi Okyere-Boateng, Special Advisor to the APN Executive Director; Hannah Hayford Affriyie, Head of Administration; Prof. Faisal Ellis, President and Co-Founder of the African Professionals Network; Jenny Sutmoller, Director of Strategic Partnerships at the University of Cincinnati; Raj Mehta, Vice-Provost for International Affairs; Julia Lartey of Jex Travel and Tours Ltd, and member of APN, Gertrude Ankah Nyavi.

The Vice-President was thanked for his welcome and on-going support of the AfCFTA by the Board Chair of the APN.
He claimed that the APN had invested a lot of time in helping the government implement the AfCFTA.
The AfCFTA, which has its headquarters in Ghana, aims to increase trade within Africa and improve the continent’s position in international markets.
Dr. Tackie continued by saying that the APN was increasing understanding of the initiatives among stakeholders. He emphasised that it was doing this through its programmes, which included those aimed at the youth, women, manufacturing, and technology, among other groups.
He clarified that the goal of the Africa Globalized Investment Summit was to entice investors from outside of Africa to take advantage of opportunities presented by the free trade zone.
For his part, APN’s Executive Director, Mr. Louis Afful, stated that APN is currently investigating the activities of the manufacturing sector in an effort to create more synergy between trade within the African Continental Free Trade Area and manufacturing in Ghana.

He added that APN has started talks with foreign investors about the creation of a “Investment Hope City” hub to encourage the expansion of entrepreneurship on the African continent.
According to him, the investment hub will serve as a centre of excellence for matters relating to the AfCFTA and companies operating on the continent.
“The focus is to have an APN tower that will be a centre of excellence,” he said. Additionally, we desire a tourism eco system.

Veep commends APN

Dr. Bawumia stated that the AfCFTA could have a significant impact on Africa’s economy and could be a game-changer for the continent’s economic transformation.
He applauded the APN for trying to aid in the implementation of the policy.
Dr. Bawumia claimed that the current administration had achieved more technological advancement successes than any other Ghanaian administration.
He listed some of the accomplishments as the interoperability of mobile money, digitalization of the GhanaPost address system, delivery of public services through the Ghana Card, integration of national databases, and the use of drones for medical delivery.
Dr. Bawumia added that since 2017, the government has accelerated the delivery of public services through the use of digital technology, which has also helped to lower corruption in those services.
Investment, economy
Mrs. Williams urged the creation of an enabling environment so that Ghanaians living abroad could make investments in the nation.

She lamented the challenges and cumbersome procedures she had to deal with when attempting to invest in the Ghanaian economy.
However, Dr. Bawumia reaffirmed the government’s efforts to strengthen the economy for the benefit of the business sector and the entire nation.
He emphasised that the government had made a decision to create a comprehensive and sustainable approach for a long-term solution to the challenges facing the economy.

NEWS Politics


It is by no means a stroke of luck that a determined Walewale innate would rise through the ranks of academia. Of course, it is not surprising that our brothers and sisters from the Northern part of Ghana are well-known customarily for their hard work and dedication, H. E. Dr Mahamudu Bawumia is no exception.

I recall vividly in 2012 when the New Patriotic Party (NPP) lost the general election and had to challenge the results at the Supreme Court. Many Ghanaians like myself then were stunned by the analytical ability, articulacy and intellect displayed by Dr Bawumia in the court of law, a trend that gave me some memories which are deeply ingrained in my psyche. Not forgetting the popular ‘you and I were not there’ response that Dr Bawumia gave to Lawyer Tsatsu Tsikata.

Dr Mahamudu Bawumia and his team at the time after gathering and analyzing data available realized the elections were not transparent therefore proceeding to court to challenge the results was necessary.

Challenging the results at the Supreme Court was not only a means to test our democracy but also brought some reforms to our elections.

Dr Bawumia and his team, unfortunately, could not win the case, however, the petition presented to the court had exposed the need for certain electoral reforms which a document from the judges confirmed.

 • The Voter’s register must be compiled and made available to the parties as early as possible.

•   A supplementary register may cater for late exigencies.

•    The calibre of presiding officers must be greatly raised.

•     The pink sheet is too elaborate, a much simpler one to meet the pressures of the public, weariness, and lateness of the day at the close of a poll etc.

•    The carbon copying system must be improved upon.

•   The Biometric Device System must be streamlined to avoid breakdowns and the stress on the electorate involved in an adjournment of the poll.

•    Invalidating wholesale votes for insignificant excess numbers is not the best application of the administrative principle of the proportionality test.

The dissenting justices who held the view there were issues to be settled with allegations of overvoting, absence of presiding officers’ signature and voting without biometric verification suggested the above reforms, all thanks to Dr Bawumia who did not allow himself to be dwindled by naysayers.

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