NEWS Politics


The flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Former President John Dramani Mahama was the keynote speaker for Christian Service University’s 50th anniversary in Kumasi. Delivering his lecture, John Maham jabbed Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia by describing his campaign trail as a “concert party”. A student at the gathering who is reportedly the organizer of pro-NPP group on the university campus, TESCON, wasn’t pleased with the statement.

Narrating the incidence to the media, the second year student of the university whose name is Nana Boakye said “I also responded and said, ‘Mahama wo boa’ na wo b3 wi’ [Meaning Mahama you’re lying, you will lose]. Later on, I saw a macho man who approached me and gave me a warning that I should be careful. So, I also asked him ‘What have I done’? And the moment I asked him the question, he came directly and slapped me in front of the former President. So on our way out of the auditorium, when we got to the main entrance of the auditorium, I heard another slap. Out of that, I was not able to see anything, and I also saw one guy who held my hand backwards, and they started beating me in my stomach, my head and stuff like that.”

 An attempt to rescue him proved futile, as some irate NDC affiliates broke into an office where he was kept. Police later intervened and rescued the student, but it is unclear whether the student received medical attention. The victim has yet to file a complaint to the Police.

The Ashanti Regional NPP is appalled by the incident and has called out the violent act of the NDC violent group. The National Youth Wing of the NPP has called out the flagbearer of the NDC, John Mahama to apologize to the victim.

NEWS Politics


The Ato Forson Ambulance trial in court has brought a media frenzy causing the two leading political parties in Ghana, NPP and NDC  to organize press conferences. The NDC organized a press conference and played a recording which alleged the Attorney General, Godfred Dame ‘coerced’ the third accused, Richard Jakpa of which the NPP refuted in their counter press conference.

Asiedu Nketiah addressing the media.

In response, the NPP claimed the AG in no way tried to “coerce” the third accused but rather he has been strong in refusing the NDC’s plea to discontinue the case. The Chairman, Legal and Constitutional Committee for NPP, Frank Davies, in the press conference said there has been numerous attempts to mount pressure on the AG “from every angle including the Former President Mahama, the leadership of the minority in parliament, clergy, business friends of Ato Forson etc”.

Frank Davies addressing the media.

Speaking at the press conference, Frank Davies said “indeed, former president Mahama specifically maintained the discontinuance of the Ambulance Trial as a condition to get members of the minority in Parliament to agree to the recent recall of parliament and has on several other occasions, stated it as a condition for the cooperation of the minority in parliament”.

He further said the calls for the Attorney General to resign is “unwarranted and misplaced and the attorney general will continue to remain witty, resolute and focused in the delivery of his work”.



It has been widely reported that some matrons in Somé SHS at Agbozume, in the Ketu South Municipality have been stealing food items meant to be feeding the Free SHS students in the boarding house. This pilfering has been going on for a while now and perpetrators have been successfully apprehended.

Beans stolen by the matrons

But for the assembly member for the Logove Electoral Area, Ibrahim Ayuba, the culprits wouldn’t have been intercepted with the items. Among the items stolen are tin tomatoes, mackerel, detergents, and insecticide spray. Some of the items were found in the matron’s bag and in the bursar’s car.

A bag of rice and a bucket of beans stolen by the matrons

Further checks have revealed that these matrons are not just loyalist of the opposition National Democractic Congress (NDC) but Branch Executives within the Ketu South Constituency who have served the party for many years.

Other food items stolen

This could clearly be another attempt by the NDC to discredit the strides Free SHS has made and create flaws for the policy when there isn’t as many attempts to smirch the policy have proven futile.



Not long ago there have been cases of unknown individuals sabotaging government projects where many believes it is being occasioned by the opposition NDC to cause disaffection for the Akufo-Addo/NPP government. This is aimed at scoring cheap political scores by making the government unpopular.


Early this year, certain individuals vandalized ECG transformers and stole copper wires. This incident by some unidentified persons plunged some communities into total darkness to cause a “DUMSOR” scare.

On March 19, 2024, the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) witnessed a collapse of their distribution pylons (High Tension Distribution line). It was discovered that some unknown individuals had gone to steal the bolt and nuts attached to eight (8) ECGs pylons, which affected the following areas in Kumasi: Anwomaso BSP to Akyawkrom sub-station, Ejisu, Bekwai to Awiankwanta, Kumawu to Antoakrom, Maanso Nkwanta to Jacobu Samfo-Aduam, Ejisu to Onwe, Besease to Asotwe and Abankro to Baworo and surrounding.


Yesterday, April 18, 2024, The Ministry of Railway and the Ghana Railway Authority experienced another sabotage from the National Democratic Congress, during the test run of the newly procured trains for the Tema-Mpakadam rail-line. The branch secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Abel Dzidotor, intentionally parked a Kia Truck on the railway, succeeding in his attempt to see the train crash.

 Out of the 4 counts levelled against Mr. Dzidotor at the court, he pleaded guilty to 4 of it and has been sentenced to serve 6-month jail term.

NEWS Politics


The owner of the abandoned truck which caused accident on one of the newly secured trains has been jailed 6 months. 41 year old Abel Dzidotor is said to have pleaded guilty in court today to three out of the four counts leveled against him.


News reaching Daily Insights today reveals, the owner of the abandoned truck, Abel Dzidotor, is a staunch NDC member and a branch secretary for the National Democratic Congress.

  Mr Abel Dzidotor, parked the abandoned truck directly across the Tema-Mpakadan railway in a sharp rail curve. Despite emergency braking by the train driver, the train couldn’t be stopped in time thereby hitting the unattended vehicle causing the train crash. The train is part of the newly procured trains from Poland and was undergoing a test run.


Early this year, it was also reported that some unidentified people have vandalized transformers and stolen copper wires plunging the some communities into darkness. This could be attributed to a calculated attempt to sabotage the government’s developmental efforts to fuel the dissemination of  propaganda in order to score cheap political points.


NDC’S Mary Awusi, diagnosed of HIV/AIDS according to her ex boyfriend

NDC party communicator and former parliamentary candidate of the Asante Akyem North constituency, Mary Awusi has been exposed by her ex-boyfriend who revealed that the vitriolic NDC communicator has been living with HIV/AIDS for some time now.

Mary Awusi

According to the ex-boyfriend, Mary has been involved in multiple sex relationships which has resulted in such condition. Mary Awusi in 2016 contested the Parliamentary Elections for the Asante Akyem North Constituency on the ticket of the NDC where she obtained a paltry 969 votes representing 2.83% against his contender, Kwaku Asante-Boateng’s 31,151 representing 60.93%.

Failed NDC parliamentary candidate

The failed Parliamentary Candidate has since then become useless and a poodle of the NDC, consistently passing malicious comments and sleeping around with multiple men to make ends meet.

Mary Awusi

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Ex-President John Dramani Mahama on Thursday, January 25, 2024 visited the people of Obuasi as part of his Ashanti Regional tour, which commenced on Wednesday, January 24, 2024.

Otumfuor exposes John Mahama

The ex-president in his address to the chiefs and people of Obuasi, said his government revived the AngloGold Ashanti – Obuasi Mine in 2014. This comment caught the attention of many on social media and traditional media.

Shortly after ex-president John Mahama’s commentary, a viral video of the king of Asanteman, Otumfuo Osei Tutu – II in 2019 was seen addressing attendants thanking H.E. Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and his government for their superb inputs in reviving the AngloGold Ashanti after so many failed attempts by previous government.

Our Research Desk delve deeper into the issue and came across a document on Tax Concession Agreement for the Obuasi Mines Redevelopment between the Republic of Ghana and AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited, which was dated 27/11/2017. In the said document, the Republic of Ghana granted about $300M tax waiver to the AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited amidst other incentives to aid the realization of the redevelopment project.

Our desk also came across a video of the Chief Executive Officer of AngloGold, Alberto Calderon at the commemoration of the first gold pour, praising the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo for his assurance and relentless efforts to see the operation of the Obuasi mine. Chiefs and the good people present also heaped praises on the President for such a phenomenal job.

Mahama busted

Ex-President John Mahama has come under heavy criticisms after he has been, what the majority claim to be exposed. Scores of Ghanaians are of the view that the ex-president must rise to the occasion and act as a statesman.

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On January 23, 2024, Julius Malema, South Africa’s founder and leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters addressed members of the ARISE – Save Ghana movement at the College of Physicians & Surgeons auditorium, Accra.

Julius Malema

The eagerly awaited event had scores of Ghanaians seated at the auditorium and others glued by their television sets with all kinds of expectations – knowing the firebrand of a guest speaker who is about delivering his speech.

Mr. Julius Malema finally mounted the podium after short speeches by organizers and some big wigs of the National Democratic Congress. His speech was flawless and timely for the Ghanaian populace, especially at a time where the country is forging on into a general election.

In Mr. Malema’s speech, he drew the attention of audience and to an extension, the entire country to embrace unity and new ideas among the old and the youth. ‘’The old must allow the young to lead and those who served in the past must not attack new ideas’’ – Mr. Malema said

South Africa’s Opposition Leader, Julius Malema

He also urged former presidents to be content and not be moved with the idea of relinquishing power. ‘’All former Presidents should live like how all other progressive Presidents have lived, who are statesmen and are home waiting for courtesy visits and consultations, and honour states functions. Those are the duties of former Presidents’’ – he directed.

In his conclusion, Mr. Julius Malema extended an open invitation to the people of Ghana and all Africans to take advantage of the opportunities in South Africa and spread the African love.


John Mahama is confused, 24 hour policy is not well thought through- Bawumia

Bawumia hits hard at Mahama


Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia has criticised the 24-hour economy policy proposed by National Democratic Congress (NDC) flagbearer John Dramani Mahama.

Dr Bawumia, who is also the New Patriotic Party’s flagbearer for the 2024 general elections, asserted that Mr Mahama lacks an understanding of the policy he is promising to Ghanaians.

During his tour of the north on Monday, November 20, Dr Bawumia dismissed the idea, stating that a 24-hour economy cannot be legislated by the government.

24 hours economy policy does not make sense- Bawumia

He highlighted that various sectors of the economy, such as healthcare, security services, and digital transactions, already operate 24 hours due to the digitalisation agenda he has championed since 2017.

Dr Bawumia expressed his skepticism about Mahama’s proposal, emphasising that a 24-hour economy is already a reality for many businesses based on market demand and opportunities.

“I hear John Mahama has a new idea and he wants to run a 24-hour economy. I say where did he get this idea from? It is not a bright idea! A 24-hour economy cannot be legislated by the government,” Dr Bawumia said.

“Today, there are many businesses that are already working for 24 hours. Hospitals are open for 24 hours. You can buy electricity for 24 hours. Because of digitalisation, you can transfer money for 24 hours. There are many chop bars and restaurants that are open for 24 hours.”

John Dramani Mahama, the leader of the NDC, had pledged to establish a 24-hour economy as a key pillar of his campaign for the 2024 presidential election.

Mahama-Bawumia contest heats up

Mr Mahama argued that such a policy would contribute to economic growth and job creation, especially for the youth.

In a statement commemorating the 2023 International Youth Day, Mr Mahama outlined his administration’s commitment to nurturing a skilled and entrepreneurial youth.

He stated, “A new NDC administration will work urgently to equip our youth with the entrepreneurial knowledge and skills needed for a sustainable future. We will introduce a 24-hour economy with incentives and tax breaks for manufacturers who will run extra shifts to create more room for employment.”

In response, Dr Bawumia rebuffed the idea, asserting that it is not what Ghanaians need at the moment.

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Former President Mahama to Grant Ato Essien Presidential Pardon: Controversy Surrounds High-Profile Decision

In a surprising turn of events, former Ghanaian President John Dramani Mahama has announced his intention to grant Ato Essien, the former founder of Capital Bank, a presidential pardon. The decision has sparked controversy and debate across the nation, considering the severity of the charges and the recent conviction of Essien.

Ato Essien jailed for 15 years

Ato Essien, once a prominent figure in Ghana’s financial sector, was sentenced to 15 years in prison on October 12, 2023, for his involvement in a high-profile case of stealing and money laundering. The Accra High Court found him guilty on all counts, highlighting the misappropriation of over GHS600 million from Capital Bank and the use of the embezzled funds for personal gain, including luxurious vacations and funding his personal businesses.

Essien’s conviction was seen as a strong message against financial crimes and a deterrent to others who might consider engaging in similar activities. The judge in the case took into account the seriousness of the offenses and Essien’s lack of remorse in delivering the sentence.

Despite the court’s ruling and the widespread public support for the conviction, former President Mahama’s decision to grant Essien a presidential pardon has raised eyebrows. Pardons are typically granted to individuals who have demonstrated rehabilitation, expressed remorse, or served a significant portion of their sentence. In Essien’s case, where he was convicted on all charges and has not shown remorse, the decision to grant a pardon has triggered skepticism.

John Dramani Mahama

Former President Mahama has not yet elaborated on the reasoning behind his decision. This has led to concerns that political motivations or personal connections may be influencing the choice to pardon Essien, further fueling the debate surrounding the move.

Essien’s lawyers have already announced their intention to appeal the conviction and sentence, adding an additional layer of complexity to the situation. The ongoing legal battle, coupled with the potential presidential pardon, ensures that the Ato Essien case will continue to captivate the nation’s attention and spark discussions on justice, accountability, and the role of political figures in high-profile legal matters.

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