NEWS Politics


The Ato Forson Ambulance trial in court has brought a media frenzy causing the two leading political parties in Ghana, NPP and NDC  to organize press conferences. The NDC organized a press conference and played a recording which alleged the Attorney General, Godfred Dame ‘coerced’ the third accused, Richard Jakpa of which the NPP refuted in their counter press conference.

Asiedu Nketiah addressing the media.

In response, the NPP claimed the AG in no way tried to “coerce” the third accused but rather he has been strong in refusing the NDC’s plea to discontinue the case. The Chairman, Legal and Constitutional Committee for NPP, Frank Davies, in the press conference said there has been numerous attempts to mount pressure on the AG “from every angle including the Former President Mahama, the leadership of the minority in parliament, clergy, business friends of Ato Forson etc”.

Frank Davies addressing the media.

Speaking at the press conference, Frank Davies said “indeed, former president Mahama specifically maintained the discontinuance of the Ambulance Trial as a condition to get members of the minority in Parliament to agree to the recent recall of parliament and has on several other occasions, stated it as a condition for the cooperation of the minority in parliament”.

He further said the calls for the Attorney General to resign is “unwarranted and misplaced and the attorney general will continue to remain witty, resolute and focused in the delivery of his work”.


John Mahama is confused, 24 hour policy is not well thought through- Bawumia

Bawumia hits hard at Mahama


Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia has criticised the 24-hour economy policy proposed by National Democratic Congress (NDC) flagbearer John Dramani Mahama.

Dr Bawumia, who is also the New Patriotic Party’s flagbearer for the 2024 general elections, asserted that Mr Mahama lacks an understanding of the policy he is promising to Ghanaians.

During his tour of the north on Monday, November 20, Dr Bawumia dismissed the idea, stating that a 24-hour economy cannot be legislated by the government.

24 hours economy policy does not make sense- Bawumia

He highlighted that various sectors of the economy, such as healthcare, security services, and digital transactions, already operate 24 hours due to the digitalisation agenda he has championed since 2017.

Dr Bawumia expressed his skepticism about Mahama’s proposal, emphasising that a 24-hour economy is already a reality for many businesses based on market demand and opportunities.

“I hear John Mahama has a new idea and he wants to run a 24-hour economy. I say where did he get this idea from? It is not a bright idea! A 24-hour economy cannot be legislated by the government,” Dr Bawumia said.

“Today, there are many businesses that are already working for 24 hours. Hospitals are open for 24 hours. You can buy electricity for 24 hours. Because of digitalisation, you can transfer money for 24 hours. There are many chop bars and restaurants that are open for 24 hours.”

John Dramani Mahama, the leader of the NDC, had pledged to establish a 24-hour economy as a key pillar of his campaign for the 2024 presidential election.

Mahama-Bawumia contest heats up

Mr Mahama argued that such a policy would contribute to economic growth and job creation, especially for the youth.

In a statement commemorating the 2023 International Youth Day, Mr Mahama outlined his administration’s commitment to nurturing a skilled and entrepreneurial youth.

He stated, “A new NDC administration will work urgently to equip our youth with the entrepreneurial knowledge and skills needed for a sustainable future. We will introduce a 24-hour economy with incentives and tax breaks for manufacturers who will run extra shifts to create more room for employment.”

In response, Dr Bawumia rebuffed the idea, asserting that it is not what Ghanaians need at the moment.

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Favoritism Threatens Democracy: The Dangerous Game of NDC’s Former President Mahama

In the midst of democratic elections, the integrity of a political party is crucial for upholding the principles of fairness and equality. Recent events surrounding the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Odododiodio constituency primaries have raised serious concerns about the influence of former President John Dramani Mahama and his alleged favoritism, which is eroding the party’s core values and threatening its very foundation.

National Democratic Congress supporters

Scheduled for October 22, 2023, the NDC’s primaries in Odododiodio are meant to be a platform for the party’s members to choose their preferred candidate for the 2024 parliamentary elections. A fair and transparent process is essential to ensure that the chosen candidate truly represents the will of the people. However, disturbing reports of violence and undue interference have marred the run-up to the primaries.

Violence broke out during the vetting of candidates at the NDC headquarters, and it appears that former President Mahama’s influence is at the heart of the turmoil. Allegations suggest that he is actively working to eliminate real competition and promote a candidate of his choice. This not only undermines the principles of democracy but also threatens the very fabric of the NDC.

Act of vandalism at NDC regional office

One particularly alarming incident is the assault on Citi FM journalist Akosua Otchare, who was merely doing her job by covering the vetting process. Such attacks on the media are not only violations of press freedom but also an affront to the democratic values that the NDC claims to uphold. A healthy democracy depends on a free and independent press to hold those in power accountable and to provide the public with information about the political process.

Former President Mahama, as the presidential candidate for the NDC, wields significant influence within the party. However, his involvement in the internal selection process raises questions about whether the NDC is becoming a one-man show rather than a party of collective decisions. It is crucial to remember that the strength of a political party lies in its ability to accommodate diverse perspectives and voices.

This situation is not just a concern for the NDC’s internal affairs but has broader implications for the entire democratic process in Ghana. A party’s internal dysfunction can weaken its ability to provide a strong opposition and hold the ruling party accountable. A divided and biased party may alienate its supporters, leading to disillusionment among the electorate.

The NDC, as one of Ghana’s major political parties, should be a shining example of democracy in action. The favoritism and violence surrounding the Odododiodio primaries have the potential to erode the trust and support the party enjoys among its members and the general public.

It is crucial that the NDC addresses these allegations of favoritism and violence promptly and transparently. The party must demonstrate its commitment to the principles of democracy, free and fair elections, and the protection of press freedom. Ghana’s democracy thrives when political parties maintain a level playing field, fostering inclusivity and transparency. Failure to do so could have severe consequences for the NDC and the health of the nation’s democracy as a whole.

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