
Isaac Adongo may be the biggest liar in Ghana?

Rex Asanga, a New Patriotic Party (NPP) parliamentary candidate in the Upper East, claims that his opponent has resorted to lying in a last-ditch effort to retain the Bolgatanga Central seat.

He contends that the candidate for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) lacks experience and is thus forced to use fabrications to damage the well-earned reputation he has built up in the constituency over the years.
He said that someone of Isaac Adongo’s caliber should refrain from lying in order to garner votes since Bolgatanga Central voters are intelligent and won’t fall for his outright lies this election.
Rex Asanga stated that Adongo is on record “according to the Station the Hon MP while addressing NDC supporters at an event stated that I have been going around and telling people that he, Isaac Adongo was in collusion with Hon Kofi Adda, the Minister for Aviation and MP for Navrongo Central and His Excellency President Akufo Addo to relocate the Bolgatanga airport project to Navro.” This is not merely a fabrication but a diabolical strategy aimed at causing bad blood between myself and the Hon Minister and His Excellency the President”.
He is surprised by Isaac Adongo’s assertion that he sponsored a brain operation in India for one of Rex Asanga’s children who was close to passing away.

“Another wicked lie the Hon member of parliament told in the write up is that he had paid the medical bills for one of my sons for a brain surgery in India. This is a very wicked lie and i urge all to disregarded it with all the contempt it deserves. Since their birth, never at any stage of their lives have my sons or daughter needed a surgery, let alone being flown abroad under the imagined benevolence of Jon Isaac Adongo for a brain surgery. Not even an extended family or member of my clan has had any such medical condition or any financial assistance from Hon Adongo.Just a few years ago, the Hon MP’s name was in the newspapers for non payment of loans owed the then struggling GN Bank. This contributed to the eventual collapse and liquidation of the bank. Isn’t it curious then that he suddenly has the financial wherewithal to sponsor people to India for imagined brain surgery.”
He took advantage of the opportunity to urge residents of the Bolgatanga Municipality to vote out Isaac Adongo and change the face of politics in the Constituency.
“I have a track record to campaign on and do not need to rely on falsehood, lies and fabrications to help me make my case to the good people of Bolgatanga. I call on all and sundry to let us unite to change the face of our politics by showing this MP the exit. Bolgatanga Central deserves better.”

Lies are a Sign of Desperation My attention was drawn to some very disturbing and astonishing claims made by Hon Isaac Adongo, the MP for Bolgatanga Central Constituency on his official Facebook page on the 8th of October. My first response was that such a claim couldn’t be made by Mr. Adongo, arguing that the Hon MP wouldn’t peddle such palpable falsehoods about me or my family knowing very well that those lies will be exposed sooner or later.

However, as prove, the informant screenshot the statement and sent it to me as confirmation. He (Adongo) has since pulled down the post for reasons best known to him. However, given the fact that many people have already read the story before it was pulled down, I deem it appropriate to make a response so that people will know that they are total fabrications and an effigy of his own imagination. I am therefore writing this piece to let all and sundry know that Hon Adongo peddled lies and falsehood in that write up. His aim in peddling those lies must be obvious to all. It us intended to tarnish my image and make me appear a bad person in the eyes of the public all in the hope that he could salvage his own sinking image.
The only truth in that worthless piece of write-up is that i am a staunch Catholic. Let me add that, not only am i a Catholic, but an active one who plays various roles in the church including marriage counselling, Communiun Minister and a teacher. In view of my Christian faith, I am married to one wife and not many women as Mr Adongo has sought to portray. Despite this being public knowledge Hon Isaac Adongo chooses the path of deliberate mischief thinking he can bring my Christian character into question and disrepute for his selfish political ends.

Another wicked lie the Hon member of parliament told in the write up is that he had paid the medical bills for one of my sons for a brain surgery in India. This is a very wicked lie and i urge all to disregarded it with all the contempt it deserves. Since their birth, never at any stage of their lives have my sons or daughter needed a surgery, let alone being flown abroad under the imagined benevolence of Jon Isaac Adongo for a brain surgery.
Not even an extended family or member of my clan has had any such medical condition or any financial assistance from Hon Adongo.Just a few years ago, the Hon MP’s name was in the newspapers for non payment of loans owed the then struggling GN Bank. This contributed to the eventual collapse and liquidation of the bank. Isn’t it curious then that he suddenly has the financial wherewithal to sponsor people to India for imagined brain surgery. While I was figuring out how to respond to these lies, i was hit with yet another lie by the Hon Adongo.

A Bolgatanga based FM radio station, A1, called me and ask me for my response to another pack of lies peddled by the Hon MP against me. According to the Station the Hon MP while addressing NDC supporters at an event stated that I have been going around and telling people that he, Isaac Adongo was in collusion with Hon Kofi Adda, the Minister for Aviation and MP for Navrongo Central and His Excellency President Akufo Addo to relocate the Bolgatanga airport project to Navrongo.
This is not only a lie but a wicked scheme aimed at creating bad blood between myself and the Hon Minister and His Excellency the President. It is very clear that the desperation of Hon Isaac Adongo is getting to fever pitch. In his frustration, he is clawing at everything possible in an effort to cause disaffection for me, for his own narrow and temporal political ends. But I can assure him that he has already failed. I urge the public to disregard the MP’s unguarded comments as they are just a figment of his own imagination and a spillover of his desperation.

I remain an honest and focused Politician who will not trade my integrity on the altar of lies. Winning the Bolgatanga Central seat in the upcoming elections is my focus and I will not be distracted from it with such infantile lies. Hon Isaac Adongo’s sudden love for lies are only a sign of the extent of his desperation, haven realised that the people of Bolgatanga Central have resolved to show him the exit in the December polls, for none performance and his lack of concern for matters affecting the Constituency and their very lives. All who know me can testify that all my life I have worked to transform the lives of people within the Constituency and the UER in general.

I have a track record to campaign on and do not need to rely on falsehood, lies and fabrications to help me make my case to the good people of Bolgatanga. I call on all and sundry to let us unite to change the face of our politics by showing this MP the exit. Bolgatanga Central deserves better.

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A ‘Can-Do Veep’ – Transformational policies championed by Bawumia

Ghana’s Vice President, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, has completely transformed the role of the Vice President, establishing himself as the most transformational holder of his position in the history of Ghana’s democratic dispensation.

Whilst many Veeps have come and gone without affecting any change from the position, Dr Bawumia has completely ushered in a new era of the can-do Veep – spearheading multiple transformational government projects that clearly have his stamp.

The result is a track record of achievement for the current Vice President that no Vice President – and even many Presidents – in the history of Ghana would struggle to match.

This stunning impact from the Veep has not gone unnoticed, with many political pundits and strategists remarking on how uncommon it is for a Vice President to wield such power and influence.

In a recent op-ed, a United States-based Ghanaian political consultant, Dr Ekow Acquah, noted how Bawumia is a rare political unicorn in being an impactful Vice President, not just in Ghana but in the entire world.

“Even in the United States, which is widely considered the world’s most advanced democracy, the role of a Vice President, as defined by the American Constitution, is extremely limited.,” Dr Acquah wrote.

Meanwhile, he added, Vice Presidents in the 4th Republic have played “limited roles…largely as a result of their limited and undefined roles by the 1992 Constitution,”

Dr Acquah continued: “Unlike his predecessors, who limited themselves to their constitutional roles, and merely acted as representatives of the President at meetings and festivals, Dr. Bawumia has made the position more relevant through his foresight and spearheaded many transformational policies, which have not only endeared the NPP Government to the public, but are also making meaningful impacts and transformation on the Ghanaian people,”

Whilst Bawumia has a calling card – digitisation is his bread and butter – the Vice President’s achievements are broad-based, spanning multiple sectors and impacting all.

Transformational Policies, Services and Projects Championed By Dr. Bawumia

In his brilliant op-ed titled, ‘Dr Mahamudu Bawumia: The most effective Vice President in Ghana’s History’, the aforementioned Dr Acquah provides a list of Dr Bawumia’s most impressive achievements as a Vice President.

They include….

*Zipline Drones for delivery of medical supplies (Omenako, Mpanya, Vobsi, Sefwi Wiawso, Anum, and Kete Krachi), which has made Ghana the country with the the largest medical drone delivery service in the world!

*Mobile Money Interoperability between bank accounts and mobile wallets – first in Africa. This has made Ghana rank first in Africa in terms of access to financial inclusion.

• Zongo Development Fund – a development vehicle for inclusive Zongo development.

• Nation Builders Corps (NABCO) – a stop-gap measure to respond to increasing graduate unemployment, and also to offer young graduates work experience.

• One Constituency One Ambulance, the policy which provided all 275 constituencies with brand new ambulances.

• Agenda 111 – the construction of district hospitals in districts without district hospitals.

• Digitization of National Identity Card (Ghanacard), which is building a strong national identity system

– Universal QR Code payment system- Ghana is the first and only country in Africa to implement this

– GhanaPay mobile wallet by banks- Ghana is the first country in the world to implement this.

o National Digital Property – Address System -First in Africa

o Paperless Ports, which has increased efficiency and revenue mobilisation.

o The Ghanacard as a travel document to travel to Ghana

*No Guarantor student loans

*Online Passport Application

*National E-Pharmacy Platform. Ghana is the first country in Africa to implement a national scale digital e-pharmacy platform.

o E-Ticketing at Football Stadia

o Ghana.Gov Platform for the delivery of Government services

  • Bank of Ghana Gold Purchase Program
  • exchange of Gold for oil imports program – a transformational policy which will impact on prices of oil products, foreign exchange reserves and the depreciation of the exchange rate.

*Also proposed Sinohydro barter agreement for infrastructure development. This has resulted in the following;
o Kumasi Innercity Roads (100km)
o Sunyani Innercity Roads
o Prestea Innercity Roads
o Nyinahin Roads
o Jasikan-Dodopepesu
o Tamale Interchange
o Takoradi Point 7 interchange
o Cape Coast Innercity roads

This a resume a President should be proud of. For a Vice President, it is an unprecedented sign of competence and efficiency.

As the world and consequently Ghana reels from massive shocks caused by the unprecedented conditions of the past couple of years, bold and visionary leaders find new ways to create an impact and Bawumia is doing just that in Ghana.

Little wonder then that he was recently adjudged one of the 100 most influential leaders in Africa. As a Vice President, he achieved that honour, rubbing shoulders with celebrated African Presidents such as William Ruto of Kenya and Macky Sall of Senegal.

That, on its own, demonstrates the rarity of Bawumia’s exceptional leadership.

Source: theGhanaianVoice.Com


Who said the Economic Messiah cannot save the Cedi?

The Ghanaian economy under the watch of the Economic Management Team (EMT) led by H E the Vice President, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia has suffered denigrations from critics and some concerned Ghanaians owing to the economic mishap in recent times.

It was obvious and no fluke that the situation was not internally bred as affirmed by the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Kristalina Georgieva, however, external factors played a major role, a fact critics always denied.
Amidst the mishaps, the cedi in no time lost its value in the sight of the US dollar, to even make matters worse, the cedi lost half of its value and it took up the last spot on the charts. A dollar at a point sold at 15 cedis.
The exchange rate became a topic and trended across all social media networks weeks after weeks. Renowned media personalities also jumped on the matter in solidarity of the wailing Ghanaian. This I believe was a calculated attempt to score cheap political points. Instead of calming angry Ghanaians down, they were rather instigating citizens against the handlers of the economy.

Fast forward, according to a report by Bloomberg, the cedi has been the best performing currency for the past week, a fad that practically every levelheaded Ghanaian found appealing. It would have only been fair for these same media personalities to applaud the EMT but for their selfish interests they are reluctant.
According to the Bank of Ghana Exchange Rates as at Wednesday, 14th December, 2022, the dollar is selling at 10.4052 while buyers can have it for 10.3948.
I’m now convinced President Akuffo Addo was right when he said ‘they did not know how to bring back lives but know how to bring back the economy’.
The messiah is really up to task and the cedi is alive, indeed there’s Hope.


Pablo forgives Sammy Gyamfi over lies spewed against him

The National Democratic Congress’s (NDC’s) National Youth Organiser states he has pardoned Sammy Gyamfi, the party’s National Communications Officer, for running an attack ad against him.
George Opare Addo said this is because his [Sammy’s] actions were borne out of “immaturity and inexperience”
When Mr. Addo spoke on Adom FM’s morning show, Dwaso Nsem programme on Tuesday for the first time following the hotly contested elections, he made the remark.
In a heated election for the job of National Youth Organiser held in Cape Coast in the Central Region, Mr. Gyamfi openly backed his rival, Brogya Genfi.

He said that the youth wing has been misled for the past four years as justification for why Mr. Addo, often known as Pablo, should not be kept.
However, following the voting, delegates overwhelmingly supported Pablo, who received 533 votes, while Brogya received 508 votes out of the total ballots cast.
Despite his opponents’ allegations of cheating, Pablo claims they are simply bitter losers because he was elected in a free and fair election.
He referred to Mr Gyamfi as a “influence peddling” who campaigned against him using the names of former President John Mahama and former Chief of Staff Julius Debrah.

“Sammy Gyamfi is just an officer of the party and he is part of the influence peddlers. They are those who are using the former President’s name wrongly and they should be called to order,” he fumed.
The NDC youth leader claimed that the premeditated lies told against him in the run-up to the elections made his heart bleed.
Despite this, Mr. Addo stated that he was not shocked by the National Communications Officer’s stance.

“I have no issue with who anybody chooses to support but there are videos of Sammy Gyamfi using Julius Debrah’s name to campaign against me,” the NDC National Youth Organiser stated.
“Sammy Gyamfi is young; it is youthful exuberance, immaturity and inexperience. A time will come he will grow out of it,” he added.
According to Pablo, NDC delegates were quite astute, able to read between the lines, and made the right decision.

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Ablakwa’s lies exposed

The assertions of National Democratic Congress (NDC) Member of Parliament (MP) Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa that he was not aware of GETFund scholarship transactions while serving as Deputy Minister of Education have been disputed.

DAILY GUIDE has learned that as a minister in the NDC government, Mr. Ablakwa was extensively involved in GETFund scholarship agreements.
A memorandum of agreement (MoU) has been signed by Mr. Ablakwa on behalf of GETFund and Lovely Professional University (LPU) of India.

The contentious Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), which was signed on March 16, 2016, was primarily created to benefit Ghanaian institutions and help acquire scholarship agreements for Ghanaian students to study in India.

It went on to explain that GETFund was Ghana’s top educational authority and that it oversaw the development of all institutions that were part of the country’s higher education system.
It stated that the GETFund and the LPU had both realised they shared a wide range of interests and that working together would be advantageous to both parties.
“GETFund, Ghana has tied up with LPU to provide access to quality education to the students of Ghana,” the MoU, which had Dr. Monica Gulati, the Registrar of LPU, also as a signatory, indicated.
“GETFund intends to further work with LPU, which has already made a significant contribution in the area of higher education in India to guide and mentor universities/colleges and such other organisations,” the MoU added.
The publication of the paper coincides with Mr. Ablakwa’s public denial that he was aware of GETFund scholarship activities while serving as deputy minister of education.

Since it became known that some MPs and government representatives from the NDC and the NPP had benefited from GETFund scholarships, there have been ferocious discussions in the media.

Even in the GETFund paperwork, there is a name Mercy Ablakwa, thought to be a relative of Mr. Ablakwa, showing that she received a scholarship from GETFund in 2010.
According to a letter of award allegedly signed by Sam Garba, the GETFund administrator, the aforementioned Mercy Ablakwa received a total of $33,400 on August 12, 2010, to pursue a BSc in Nursing at the University of Charleston in the United States.

$16,032 went toward academic scholarships, and $17,366 went toward living expenses and travel.


Attacks on Bawumia by the NDC are unjustified- Awudu Mahama

Awudu Mahama, editor of the Custodian Newspaper, has noted that Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, vice president of Ghana, is roundly condemned by many Ghanaians, especially the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), who blame him for the party’s defeat.

He contends that the attacks leveled against the nation’s vice president are unjustified and excessive because they are not based on his functions and accomplishments in that capacity but rather on his political affiliation.
In an interview with Samuel Eshun on the Happy Morning Show, he stated that the NDC party has struggled to retain running mates from the North throughout the years, and so are dissatisfied with Bawumia’s tenure with the NPP.

“I can understand why the NDC and those aligned with the opposition will be constantly attacking Vice President Bawumia even though he’s not the President. Because by and large, they believe being the running mate of President Akufo-Addo since 2008 has caused some defeats or more harm to them,” he said.

“This is the man President Akufo-Addo has had confidence in him, maintaining him three consecutive elections as running mate until they won and he’s done so much harm to the NDC caused their defeat and you’ll understand why they hate him that much.

“When you look at the NDC and their running mates over the period, they’ve been changed. In 2000 NDC brought Martin Amidu and was changed because they felt he wasn’t good enough for the next election and brought Muhammad Mumuni in 2004.

“He was also changed because they felt he was also not good enough. In 2008 they brought John Mahama that’s the third person form the north and fortunately they won,” he added.
Mr. Mahama added that despite the Vice President being accused of corruption, Bawumia’s integrity has been supported by nonpartisan organisations in Ghana.


Attacking Bawumia is unfortunate- Samba to Agyapong

Kennedy Agyapong, the Member of Parliament (MP) for Assin Central, has received criticism from Mohammed A. Baantima Samba, the Northern Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), for his attack on Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.
Because of the vice president’s significance to the NPP, according to Baantima Samba, the MP does not deserve to criticise him.

He claimed that Dr. Bawumia was instrumental in the NPP’s triumph in the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections and deserves recognition for his hard effort.
“I strongly condemn his unprovoked attacks on the vice president whose efforts and sacrifices contributed hugely to returning the NPP twice into office, with its attendant benefits to Kennedy, myself and many party people across the country.

“If his likes would not honour the vice president for his work for our party, they should not be attacking him unprovoked,” he said.

“For a man seeking to lead a noble party like the NPP, Kennedy’s conduct and pronouncements must mirror what the NPP is noted for: respect, decorum, dignity, and civility in speech,” he added.
The Assin Central MP criticized Dr. Bawumia for the nation’s economic difficulty, especially the depreciation of the Ghana cedi, which he claimed cost him a lot of money.
The vice president, he said, shouldn’t be the one leading the NPP into the 2024 elections due to the economy’s dismal performance and his prior utterances.

“When your fundamentals are weak, the exchange rate will expose you. When you were making that statement, the exchange rate was GH¢4.20p. On Friday, it was GH¢15.00 to a dollar.

“What message do you want to give to Ghanaians again? Let me tell you; I’m telling you this straight; I’m saying all these things because of [something]…from March this year to August this year, through the exchange rate, I lost $12 million,” Kennedy Agyapong said in a viral audio.
He also threatened to shut down the presidential campaign of the vice president if he is not treated fairly in the flagbearer race of the NPP.


Bawumia launches $450m Gulf of Guinea project


Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, Vice President, has launched a multi-country development project in Bolgatanga called the Gulf of Guinea Northern Regions Social Cohesion (SOCO) Project.

The SOCO Project is a $450 million multi-country credit facility project secured by the governments of Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Togo, and Benin from the World Bank, and it aims to improve facilities and security in the four West African countries’ northern sectors and border towns in the face of emerging extremism in the sub-region.
Launching the project in Bolgatanga on Friday, November 25, 2022, Vice President Bawumia revealed that out of the total amount of $450m, the Government of Ghana has secured US $150 million to implement the project in 48 metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies (MMDAs) in six regions of the country.
The beneficiary MMDAs are;
Northern – 8 district assemblies
North East – 6 district assemblies
Upper East – 15 district assemblies
Upper West –11 district assemblies
Savannah – 4 district assemblies
Oti – 4 district assemblies

Dr. Bawumia described the project as “a very important and timely intervention aimed at addressing some key emerging and recurring challenges in the northern part of Ghana.”
“The Project has been conceived and designed to address the effects of the spillover of conflicts and extremism from the Sahel Region; reduce vulnerability because of exposure to the impacts of climate change; strengthen local institutions; improve economic opportunities and build public trust,” he added.

For the Ghana project, the Vice President further explained that the project will focus mostly on border communities in these regions, where the citizenry especially women and youth are exposed and susceptible to the threats of terrorism from the Sahel Region.
“This is very significant as countries all over the world are pursuing strategies to address these challenges in view of the anticipated worsening of the situation if the necessary interventions are not promptly instituted,” said the Vice President.

“The project as conceptualised, takes cognisance of regional perspectives and impact of the issues that are common to the four countries, whilst enabling country led actions that respond to local needs. It also leverages experience sharing on prevention of the spillover effects from the Sahel, fragilities, climate-related risks in the four participating Gulf of Guinea countries, as well as, conflict prevention by the affected countries,” he added.

The project will also prioritise the needs of communities and strengthen local institutions to give the citizenry, especially the vulnerable, a voice to take part, influence and play a vital role in prioritising local development investments, as well as, promote social cohesion and build trust in their communities.

For almost a decade, the living conditions of over 16 million people living in the northern parts of Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, and Togo have been threatened by the spread of conflict from the Sahel, which has led to increased vulnerability to the impact of climate change.

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Ignore Ofosu Kwakye’s lies-NPP Germany

The German section of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has accused the National Democratic Congress (NDC) of spreading misinformation about the opposition party’s involvement in the Pokuase interchange project.
In a statement issued by the NPP Germany branch, it accuses Mr. Felix Kwakye Ofosu in particular of attempting to mislead Ghanaians and defame President Akufo-Addo of the exchange.

According to the NPP, the lies from the NDC should come as no surprise to well-meaning Ghanaians since it is and always will be their stock in trade to throw in a lot of untruth in order to gain public trust.
“For the record, the Pokuase interchange had not begun in 2017. The project has taken shape from the first dig to the commissioning of same all by President Akufo-Addo.
“It is indeed only those whose political survival depends on lying and blind folding Ghanaians who will go about peddling such falsehood,” the release from the NPP Germany branch signed by Communications Director Nana Osei Boateng has said.

According to the group, it will continue to assist the president as he works to complete the tasks that the nation has been unable to complete for a number of years due to the NDC’s inefficiency.
Find below the full release from the NPP Germany branch:

Press Release

NPP Germany

The NDC has bandied around that the 4-tier Pokuase interchange is an infrastructure built by former President Mahama. This came as no surprise to well meaning Ghanaians because it’s their stock in trade and always will; they throw in a lot of untruth in order to win the public trust.
The notorious amongst the babies with sharp teeth, Mr. Felix Kwakye Ofosu has taken it upon himself to lead this campaign and is recently on record for hitting at President Akufo-Addo. He is reported to have said that Akufo-Addo is claiming the Pokuase interchange because he has done nothing meaningful. He made this shameful comment in the week where Akufo-Addo was unveiling his about 130th factory under the 1D1F special initiative.
It must be noted by all Ghanaians that His Excellency President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has exhibited a great understanding of the government in continuum by completing most of the project in the handing over notes of the previous administration (except a few ones soiled with corruption). His administration has in addition to the ones he was handed over to built, has indeed built more than any NDC administration.
For the record, the Pokuase interchange had not begun in 2017. The project has taken shape from the first dig to the commissioning of same all by President Akufo-Addo.
It is indeed only those whose political survival depends on lying and blind folding Ghanaians who will go about peddling such falsehood.
Once again the president acknowledges the many challenges of the country and in a crafty manner, he is weaving a perfect economy for Ghanaians.
We will support the president to accomplish all that we haven’t accomplished in many years due to the NDC’s inefficiencies.
God Bless Ghana
God Bless the NPP and Nana Addo.

Nana Osei Boateng
NPP Germany Branch Communications Director.


Twitter fans exposes the lies of Ofosu Kwakye

Felix Kwakye Ofosu, a former Deputy Minister of Information under the NDC, shot himself in the foot on Twitter when he attempted a daring reaction to Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia’s comparative analysis of the NPP and the NDC’s record on currency rate management.
Speaking earlier today at the Government’s Town Hall Meeting in Kumasi, Dr. Bawumia presented Bank of Ghana data from 1992, indicating that the current government’s average annual Cedi depreciating record of 8.7% was the best management of the Cedi by any government in its first term under the 4th Republic.

Dr. Bawumia compared the present government’s “best record” of 8.7 percent from 2017 to 2020 to the previous NDC’s annual cumulative depreciation of 18 percent from 2016 to 2019.
Felix Kwakye Ofosu was ridiculed on social media for accusing Dr. Bawumia of lying in an attempt to respond to him.
“The Ghana Cedi depreciated by 13.7% in 2019. How can Bawumia say they have performed better? Perhaps he believes our media won’t fact check him,” Kwakye Ofosu wrote, in obvious misunderstanding of the subject.

Following his tweet, other Twitter users, most likely supporters of the ruling government, pounced on Kwakye Ofosu.
“Bawumja said average depreciation for 3 years ooo…..just sum the yearly depreciation and divide by 3….that’s the average. Argue with facts,” A twitter user by name Stephen Anim replied Felix Kwakye Ofosu.
“I guess you didn’t hear average. How do we calculate average. Ahwala Ankasa, gyama eny3 serious,” a twitter user Stephen Anim told Felix Kwakye Ofosu.
Eghan Osei also replied Kwakye Ofosu “Ur head die paa oo…..he said average depreciation for 3 years. Check the yearly depreciation rate and divide by 3 wai…..come again.”

“Wo ne b)n de3…..keep quiet and listen to him well. Quote what he said properly,” another twitter user with the handle @GordonGyamera told Kwakye Ofosu.

“Stop this. If you are listening, then listen to the Vice President well,” another Jojo Stephen told the former Minister.

“He said average depreciation Mr Felix. Over a 4 year period,” another said to Kwakye Ofosu.
Ur head die paa oo.. he said average depreciation for 3years.check de yearly depreciation rate and divide by 3 wai..come again
— Urgirlfriendscrush (@EghanOsei) February 11, 2020

He then faded out from his replies to Dr. Bawumia’s presentation.