

Alan Kyerematen

Come November 4, 2023, will be that time in the life of every Patriot of the Elephant family to make a decision that will somewhat make or break the party. Of course, the fortune of every patriot is dependent on the candidate we present for the general elections come December 2024.

Loyalty won’t be taken for granted when accessing the right candidate to lead the party. Alan Kyeremanten over the years has shown enough of his disloyalty to persons who gave him a shoulder to stand on when it mattered most.

It is a no-brainer that Alan Kyerematen rose to the political and national limelight due to the benevolence of President Kufour.

President Kufuor first appointed Alan Kyerematen as Ghana’s ambassador to the US in 2001 and then as a Minister of Trade and Industry until he resigned to contest as NPP flag bearer in 2007.

Those of us who were active in government and party saw how President Kufuor gave his huge shoulders for Alan Kyerematen to stand on. Alan became so powerful that he could appoint, transfer or remove appointees at will.

Former Trade Minister

Alan Kyeremayen was seen engaging in an opulence campaign. Sharing money both GhanaCedis and US dollars all over, hence the name Alan Cash.

Alan Kyerematen was abusing his power by flying Presidential jets and military helicopters to go and meet with delegates.

Unfortunately, Alan Kyerematen lost the Presidential primaries to Nana Akufo Addo.

Since then, Alan Kyerematen has consistently exhibited his disloyalty, self-seeking and ingratitude traits toward President Kufuor.

Alan Kyerematen has over the years boasted to close circles that he does not owe any loyalty to President Kufour. According to Alan, President Kufuor smartly tilted toward him at the end when he saw that Alan was the obvious choice to succeed him.

Alan Kyerematen gets furious when he is described as a protege of President Kufuor.

This is the reason why Alan never visited President Kufuor after the latter left power. Alan as a Trade Minister who never visited President Kufuor privately at his residence except showing up during birthdays to take pictures.

Alan never visited President Kufuor until it occurred to him that he will be contesting another Presidential primary and needed to create an impression in the eyes of his supporters.

Why is Alan Kyerematen trying hard to take cover from President Kufuor now that things are getting more difficult for him?

It is not surprising that President Kufuor has never publicly or privately said anything good about Alan.

The future is indeed pregnant. To be continued…..

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