John Mahama confirmed as the biggest liar in Ghana

Former president Mahama allegedly spread misinformation during this week’s trip of the North East Region, according to Sulley Sambian, the NPP’s North East Regional Secretary.
The Nalerigu-Bunkpurugu road project has been shelved by the NPP, despite the previous President’s claims during the tour that construction had started before he left office.
The NPP regional secretary is upset by this assertion and has challenged the former president to provide the identity of the contractor and the date the program began.

“Former president categorically stated that his government had commenced work on the Nalerigu – Bunkpurugu road before leaving office in January 2017. I almost fell off from my seat upon hearing that from the former president. How could John Mahama look at us in our faces and insult us that much?

“On behalf of the good people of the North East Region, I ask the former president and his apparatchiks the following questions:

  1. Who was the contractor the road was awarded to?
  2. When was the project awarded?

“How could the former president forget that he couldn’t campaign in the Bunkpurugu and Yunyoo constituencies in the 2016 elections because he failed to deliver on his promise to fix the road before the 2016 elections?”

Sambian recalled how the former president promised to construct the road but failed to do so when he was President.

“As the then president of the Republic of Ghana and also the presidential candidate for the NDC for the 2012 elections, JM made a firm pledge on a campaign platform in Bunkpurugu, that he would fix the Nalerigu – Bunkpurugu road before 2016 if the good people of the Bunkpurugu constituency voted for him in the 2012 elections.”

“The people of the Bunkpurugu constituency, who fell for the promise of Mr Mahama voted massively for him. After the victory, the former president characteristically failed to honour his campaign promise. This informed the basis for his failure or inability to come to the Bunkpurugu Constituency to campaign during the 2016 elections.

Sambian also responded to Mahama’s claim that the newly created North East Region has been starved of development, by listing a number of initiatives and development projects going on under the Akufo-Addo government.