It has been widely reported that some matrons in Somé SHS at Agbozume, in the Ketu South Municipality have been stealing food items meant to be feeding the Free SHS students in the boarding house. This pilfering has been going on for a while now and perpetrators have been successfully apprehended.

But for the assembly member for the Logove Electoral Area, Ibrahim Ayuba, the culprits wouldn’t have been intercepted with the items. Among the items stolen are tin tomatoes, mackerel, detergents, and insecticide spray. Some of the items were found in the matron’s bag and in the bursar’s car.

Further checks have revealed that these matrons are not just loyalist of the opposition National Democractic Congress (NDC) but Branch Executives within the Ketu South Constituency who have served the party for many years.

This could clearly be another attempt by the NDC to discredit the strides Free SHS has made and create flaws for the policy when there isn’t as many attempts to smirch the policy have proven futile.